Title: Independent
Party: Alliance Group
Electoral Division: Sandown North
Home address:
9 Elmbank Gardens
Isle of Wight
PO36 9SA
Mobile: 07948 757977
Bus. email: debbie.andre@iow.gov.uk
Download Councillor Debbie Andre contact details as VCard
Councillor Debbie Andre – Sandown North Ward
This past year I have held both the Cabinet role for Children’s Services, Education and Lifelong Skills and the Cabinet role for Adult Social Care and Public Health. This has given me a breadth of knowledge across a wide range of services affecting island residents. I remain a strong advocate for our young people and implemented measures to ensure that their voice is heard and will continue to be heard in all decisions made by the IOW Council. I’m grateful to both our Youth MP and the chair of the Youth Council for working with me to achieve this. I have worked as a care worker and therefore have an insight into how our adult social care services are both delivered and received and continue to advocate for person-centred services that allow residents to remain in their own homes for longer.
I continue to listen to residents in a variety of ways: monthly Councillor surgeries at the Wildheart Sanctuary; by email, phone and personal visit; by directing funding through the Household Support Fund; by involvement with local schools; by writing articles in the Island Magazine and the Haven Benefice Magazine; by regular attendance at Council and partner meetings to put forward the views of residents; by encouraging our young people to get involved with their local communities; by building a working relationship with our local policing team; by succeeding in gaining the appointment of a Planning Enforcement Officer for Sandown.
I have actively engaged with residents on a number of local issues, most notably the anti-social behaviour around the Fort Street area and continue to work with partners to find a way to address the root cause of these issues. This is a complex matter that I will be prioritising for the coming year.
Debbie Andre
April 2024