The purpose of the Licensing committee is to
deal with any application or appeal in relation to the licensing or
grant of consent or permission where the law requires the decision
to be taken by elected members, under the Licensing Act 2003 and
Gambling Act 2005, and therefore is not a council committee
convened under S101 of the Local Government Act 1972.
The council will also appoint a Licensing
Committee under Section 101 of the Local Government Act 1972, to
consider and determine any application or appeal in relation to the
licensing or grant of consent or permission where; -
The law and council policy require the decision to be taken by
elected members.
An officer with delegated powers declines to exercise those powers,
having considered representations, or for any other reason.
The licence, consent or permission is contained in the list of
regulated activity, as contained in the council constitution.
Or is not otherwise specifically delegated to another part of the
Terms of Reference for this committee can be found in the
Council Constitution.