Councillor Ian Ward

Profile image for Councillor Ian Ward

Party: Conservatives

Electoral Division: Sandown South

Contact information

Home address: 
Station Avenue
Isle of Wight
PO36 8HD

Phone:  01983 403193

Bus. mobile:  07772 559093

Bus. email:

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Committee appointments

Term of Office

  • 05/05/2005 -

Appointments to outside bodies

Annual Report


Annual Report 2022


Councillor Ian Ward   Sandown South Ward


During the last year I have been continuing my work to support the regeneration of Sandown by trying to encourage commercial investment. I am extremely disappointed that the Independent Administration decided to oppose a multimillion-pound investment in Sandown. I think it is vital for Sandown’s tourism offer to be improved if we are to attract tourists to bring our empty hotels back into use. The suggestion that the Biosphere designation will bring the improvement required is not supported by some Council officers or me.


I have made progress with encouraging the owners of some building sites and other derelict buildings in Sandown to start work during this last year. At last, there is a projected start date for the redevelopment of the Pier Street Toilet site.


The old Sandown Town Hall continues to be a blight on the area that attracts fly tipping and antisocial behaviour so I have encouraged the Group that are formulating a recovery plan to schedule the refurbishment of the outside of the building first because a building that looks derelict will continue to be treated as if it is derelict.


I have experienced a significantly increased number of residents contacting me regarding obtaining financial support for them whether it be for Government provided benefits or pension enquires.


Another increase in enquiries and requests for help have involved Planning. Both in requests for advice and help to achieve planning permission, or to object to planning applications that residents believe will be detrimental to them.


In the next year it is my intention to continue to encourage commercial investment in Sandown to hopefully bring about some the regeneration of the town.



Ian Ward BEM

April 2022