Councillor Paul Brading

Profile image for Councillor Paul Brading

Title: Deputy Group Leader

Party: Conservatives

Electoral Division: Lake South

Contact information

Home address: 
40 Fairfield Gardens
Isle of Wight
PO36 9EZ

Bus. email:

Download Councillor Paul Brading contact details as VCard

Committee appointments

Term of Office

  • 04/05/2017 -

Annual Report

Annual Report 2024


Councillor Paul Brading – Lake South


This last year has been frustrating with weather related issues, alongside the financial pressures on residents. I have endeavored to help as many residents as possible through these challenging times.


It always my pleasure to meet and help as many residents as possible on a wide variety of issues. Some common themes are traffic issues, roadworks, potholes, and vandalism, but there have been many more. I always pride myself on contacting residents promptly and doing my very best to listen and help them.


One of my main concerns remains the dangerous junction on Lake Hill at the end of the Fairway. The current set up is very unsafe and an issue I will keep pursuing until actions are taken.


I have served during the year on Pension Committee, Planning Committee, and the Appointments Committee.


I continue as Chair of Lake Parish Council and we have along with Sandown and Shanklin commissioned a Bay Place Plan. This will help drive regeneration of the whole Bay Area. In Lake specifically I have driven the development of our green spaces, such as Copse Mead Nature Reserve and Lake Cliff Gardens and invested in Youth activities, such as supporting the youth Football Club, and youth activities at local Gym. We have completed arrangements for the development of the New Road toilet block, which will with landscaping enhance the village.


I am also a School Governor at Broadlea Primary School, a role I relish as it was my old school. We have secured much needed funding for the refurbishment of the School. I was on the selection panel for a new Headteacher to continue to drive the school forward.


I remain proud to represent Lake South on the Isle of Wight Council and will continue to give my best for everyone in the year ahead.



Paul Brading

April 2024