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Adams, Councillor David Adams
Andre, Councillor Debbie Andre
Bacon, Councillor Jonathan Bacon
Beston, Councillor Michael Beston
Blake, Councillor Ed Blake
Brading, Councillor Paul Brading
Brodie, Councillor Geoff Brodie
Churchman, Councillor Vanessa Churchman
Critchison, Councillor Claire Critchison
Dore, Councillor Ian Dore
Downer, Councillor Rodney Downer
Drew, Councillor Warren Drew
Ellis, Councillor Suzie Ellis
Fuller, Councillor Paul Fuller - JP (Justice of the Peace)
Garratt, Councillor Andrew Garratt
Hendry, Councillor Stephen Hendry
Jarman, Councillor Christopher Jarman
Jones-Evans, Councillor Julie Jones-Evans
Jordan, Councillor Phil Jordan
Lever, Councillor Joe Lever
Lilley, Councillor Michael Lilley
Love, Councillor Karl Love
Lucioni, Councillor Karen Lucioni
Medland, Councillor John Medland
Mosdell, Councillor Clare Mosdell
Nicholson, Councillor John Nicholson
Oliver, Councillor Martin Oliver
Outlaw, Councillor Tig Outlaw
Peace, Councillor Gary Peace
Peacey-Wilcox, Councillor Lora Peacey-Wilcox
Price, Councillor Matthew Price
Quigley, Councillor Richard Quigley
Quirk, Councillor Chris Quirk
Redrup, Councillor Ray Redrup
Redrup, Councillor Sarah Redrup
Robertson, Councillor Joe Robertson
Spink, Councillor Peter Spink
Stephens, Councillor Ian Stephens
Stuart, Councillor Nick Stuart
Ward, Councillor Ian Ward
Registered gifts and hospitalities
There are no gifts or hospitalities for this period