Executive post

Cabinet Member for Community Safety and Digital Transformation




The purpose of the Cabinet Member is to take responsibility within the Cabinet on the basis of individual and/or collective responsibility for a delegated portfolio of services or functions of the council.


Role of the Leader and Cabinet Members


·         The Cabinet have to discharge or arrange for the discharge of those functions which are the responsibility of the Cabinet under legislation and within the council constitution.

·         Cabinet members have a personal responsibility for decisions taken in relation to and discharging those executive functions within their remit as determined by the Leader. The Cabinet members remit is known as their portfolio.




The key duties of the Leader and Cabinet Members:


·         To propose collectively and individually the budget and policy framework, following consultation as appropriate;

·         To take collective decisions which are appropriately taken by the Cabinet as a whole or within their individual capacity as Cabinet Member under delegated powers;

·         To represent the council locally, nationally and internationally;

·         To attend meetings of the scrutiny committees and any subcommittee and any task and finish groups, as required and when invited to do so; and

·         Some members will have specific statutory duties, such as the duty to safeguard and promote the well-being of children, which the relevant legislation gives to the lead member for children.


Portfolios Responsibilities


·         Community safety and community cohesion

·         Emergency Planning, resilience and business continuity

·         Public protection and consumer protection (Environmental Health & Trading Standards)

·         Licensing

·         ICT

·         Island digital transformation

·         Cemeteries and the crematorium

·         Registrars

·         Coronial services