Issue - decisions

Rough Sleeping Accommodation Grants

27/10/2021 - Rough Sleeping Accommodation Grants

Cabinet is requested to accept the RSAP Grant Offer and DLUHC grant conditions and approve the associated actions as follows:


a)    Approve the Business Case at Appendix 1 including the capital match-funding requirement of £389,868 using Section 106 capital receipts.


b)    Accept the DLUHC funding offer of £389,868 capital and £82,500 revenue funding for the RSAP Project.


c)     Approve that the Council becomes an investment partner of Homes England and Registered Provider of Housing to draw down DLUHC funding to deliver the RSAP Project.


d)    Delegates actual property purchase decisions to the Director of Regeneration to ensure minimal delays to deliver the 5 units of accommodation by 31 March 2022 to prevent any claw-back of grant.