Issue - decisions

Ryde Transport Interchange Consultation Feedback

27/10/2021 - Ryde Transport Interchange Consultation Feedback

OPTION 1: Cabinet note the contents of the consultation feedback and approves the recommended modifications as detailed under para. 19 in list (a)-(t) in this report, and the resulting Revised Outline Design as shown in Appendix 7 and 8,with the exception that the relocation of the taxi rank and the design of the Rose Garden be explored further with key stakeholders prior to a final design decision being made, and further detailed design of planted areas and the incorporation of public art will be developed through ongoing community engagement.



All other matters required to progress and deliver all elements of the TCF funded Ryde Transport Hub projects be delegated to the Director of Neighbourhoods in accordance with this decision, the requirements of DfT and within available TCF resources.


These decisions are required to enable the design of the whole scheme to be finalised in accordance with these recommendations in so far as practical, legal and financial considerations allow.