Agenda item

Report of the Strategic Manager for Planning and Infrastructure

Planning applications and related matters.


Due to technical difficulties Councillor Brodie left the meeting.


Consideration was given to items 1 – 2 of the report of the Strategic Manager for Planning and Infrastructure.




THAT the applications be determined as detailed below:


The reasons for the resolutions made in accordance with Officer recommendation were given in the planning report. Where resolutions are made contrary to Officer recommendation the reasons for doing so are contained in the minutes.


A schedule of additional representations received after the printing of the report were submitted at the beginning of the meeting and were drawn to the attention of Members when considering the application. A note of that is made to that effect in the minutes.





Demolition of farm buildings; proposed residential development of 42 dwellings (affordable houses) & garages, new rural business units, reading shelter, allotments, Biodiversity Park, new vehicle/pedestrian access onto Hale Common, closure of existing access that serves Branstone Farm Studies Centre, internal access roads and parking areas - revised plans showing repositioned vehicle and pedestrian access and junction works within A3056; new footpath link to Watery Lane and revised blue line plan; confirmation of the demolition and rebuilding of building S1 (readvertised application)


Branstone Farm Studies Centre, Branstone, Newchurch.

Public Participants:

Mr B Blake (Objector) (statement read out)

Mr G Eades (Objector) (statement read out)

Mr M Pearl (Applicant)

Mr P Salmon (Agent)

Additional Representations:

A further five letters of objection had been received by the Local Planning Authority which were summarised by officers. Minor changes had been made to the proposed planning conditions and confirmation had been received on the phasing of the development. Officers advised in the update paper tat some conditions would be subject to minor rewording to tie into the phasing condition, and that this would be done at the point of issuing the decision.


Councillor Clare Mosdell spoke as Local Member for this item.


Officers confirmed the process for the local lettings policy, the proposed dwellings would be offered to residents living in Newchurch for a period of time, if after that deadline there were still available properties on the site they would be offered to adjoining parishes and then after that, across the Island.


The Committee asked questions regarding the path to Watery lane, they were advised that the pathway was for walkers and cyclists for transport links and cycling routes to the site. Footpath NC24 would be upgraded appropriately using the contribution agreed.


Concern was raised regarding bridle ways in the area as there was a gap getting through to Macketts Lane, there was an opportunity to connect the bridleway to the south of the Island. Officers advised that it was unreasonable to request the bridleways to be upgraded.



The Committee had taken into consideration and agreed with the reasons for the recommendation as set out under the paragraph entitled justification for Recommendation of the report.




THAT the application be approved


Additional Condition:


3.           The construction of the buildings hereby approved shall be carried out in accordance with a phasing plan, that has been submitted to and agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Each phase of development shall be completed with associated drainage and highway infrastructure, landscaping and other matters as approved by the other conditions for this planning permission, unless agreed otherwise in writing by the Local Planning Authority.


Reason: In the interests of the amenities of the area and highway safety and to avoid impacts to protected species and habitats and to comply with policies DM2 (Design Quality for New Development) and DM12 (Landscape, Seascape, Biodiversity and Geodiversity) of the Island Plan Core Strategy.


Amended Condition:


24.         Not including the demolition of the existing farm buildings and the construction of units S1 to S6 within the business park, no later than one month after the day on which the buildings hereby permitted are first occupied/the use hereby permitted commences or the new access hereby permitted is first used (whichever is the earlier) the existing access to the site from the A3056 Hale Common shall be permanently closed in accordance with details which have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.


Reason: In the interests of highway safety and to comply with policy DM2 (Design Quality for New Development) of the Island Plan Core Strategy.

As per report (Item 1)





Demolition of attached garage and construction of garage (no. 31); formation of new vehicular access; construction of 7 dwellings with garaging, parking and associated landscaping (revised scheme)


31 And Land Rear of 21-31 Ventnor Road, Apse Heath, Sandown.

Public Participants:

Mrs L Dowden (Objector)

Dr T Hirst (Objector)

Mr A White (Agent)

Additional Representations:

Two additional letters of representation had been received by the Local Planning Authority, reinforcing previous comments raised by residents. A letter of support had also been received and the points raised were summarised.


Revised plans had been submitted which addressed some plan inconsistences, proposed conditions had been updated following receipt of these plans.


Councillor Clare Mosdell spoke as Local Member for this item.


The Committee questioned the proposed financial contribution as set out in the officers report, officers advised that a percentage of the sale price would be required in accordance with the supplementary Planning Document towards affordable housing on the Island.


Concerns were raised regarding the development being outside the settlement boundary, access, no safe route to the site and they believed the site did more harm than good to the local area.


Officers confirmed that the Local Planning Authority was unable to demonstrate a five-year land supply. Therefore, the policies relevant to housing were not considered up to date, officers concluded on balance the proposal could be considered sustainable.


An adjournment was taken to enable officers to provide the Committee with suitable wording for refusal of the application.


Cllr Tyndall gave his apologies and left the meeting.


The Committee returned and discussed the wording provided by officers.



The Committee had taken into consideration the recommendation as set out under the paragraph entitled Justification for Recommendation of the report.


A proposal to refuse the application was put forward and seconded, in compliance with the Council’s Constitution a named vote was taken as the proposal was contrary to officer recommendation.


For (7)

Councillors, Michael Beston, George Cameron, Paul Fuller, Steve Hastings, Richard Hollis, John Howe, Matthew Price


Against (3)

Councillors, Julie Jones-Evans, John Kilpatrick, Chris Quirk.




THAT the application be refused.



The application site is located outside a defined settlement boundary and the proposal would be served by inadequate access, including inadequate pedestrian access, which would be detrimental to highway safety, and contrary to the special aims of policies SP1 and DM17 of the Island Plan Core Strategy.

(Item 2)


Supporting documents: