Agenda item

Report of the Strategic Manager for Planning and Infrastructure

Planning applications and related matters.


Consideration was given to items 1 - 3 of the report of the Strategic Manager for Planning and Infrastructure Delivery.


A schedule of additional representations received after the printing of the report were submitted at the beginning of the meeting and were drawn to the attention of the Councillors when considering the application. A note is made to that effect in the minutes.






Proposed Development of 56 Dwellings, means of access off Hillway Road and Steyne Road associated landscaping and infrastructure (Revised plans; additional information relating to landscaping, trees and drainage) (re-advertised application)


Land off Hillway Road and Steyne Road, Bembridge.


Site Visits:

The site visit was carried out on Friday, 13 October 2023.


Public Participants:

Sarah Smith (Objector)

Ben Wood (Objector)

Martin Groom (Objector)

Liz White (on behalf of Bembridge Parish Council)

David Long (Agent)


Additional Representations:

Natural England supplied further comments confirming that they concur with the conclusions within the Council’s Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA) and have no objection to the development. Two third party comments had been received by the Local Planning Authority objecting to the application, with the matters raised within them summarised within the Update Paper.



Councillor J Robertson spoke as Local Councillor on this item.


Concern was raised regarding the high average property price in Bembridge and it was felt that the standard policy compliant 20% discount for affordable housing would not make the properties affordable to those on the housing list. Officers advised that national planning policy guidance stated affordable housing should be marketed at, at least 20% lower than market value and that therefore this application would be policy compliant.


A proposal to defer the item was suggested to allow time for the Local Planning Authority to further negotiate with the applicant, offices advised that no extension of time had been granted for the application and therefore the applicant could appeal the decision on non-determination the following day.


Questions were asked regarding nitrate neutrality, officers advised that because wastewater for the development would be directed to the Southern Water Wastewater Treatment Works at Sandown, the requirement for nutrient neutrality was not engaged and that Natural England were satisfied with the assessment carried out by the Local Planning Authority.


A short adjournment was taken to allow time for officers to speak with the Agent/Applicant.


On returning the Committee were advised that the applicant was willing to provide a discount of 25% on the affordable houses available.


The Committee were advised that the pedestrian route to be provided through the Bembridge, Brading and St Helens Local Cycling  and Walking Infrastructure Plan would be diverted through the development, so that pedestrians would only need to walk along a 100m section of Hillway Road, rather than 400m. The issue would be conditioned to be in place prior to occupation of the dwellings.


Following the information received from officers after the adjournment the proposal to defer the application was withdrawn.


A proposal to approve the application subject to the inclusion of 25% reduction for the affordable housing to be provided at the site was duly seconded.


An amendment to require 80% of the affordable housing to be affordable rent was put forward, both the proposer and seconder accepted the amendment. Councillors requested confirmation regarding local marketing of affordable homes and whether the marketing period related to rental properties. Officers set out the requirements of the Bembridge Neighbourhood Development Plan in respect of marketing to local people and advised that this would cover all types of affordable housing, including rental properties. Officers also confirmed that products such as Rent Plus could be used for the site.



The Committee had taken into consideration and agreed with the reasons for the recommendation as set out under the paragraph entitled Justification for Recommendation of the report and resolved:


THAT the application be approved subject to the further discount of 25% on affordable housing with 80% of those home to be affordable rented properties.


As per report (Item 1)


Councillor J Jones-Evans withdrew from the room.





Proposed B8 distribution building and associated parking, landscaping and drainage (additional information received - Technical Note TN01 - Response to Island Roads)


Whippingham Technology Park, Whippingham Road, East Cowes.


Site Visits:

The site visit was carried out on Friday, 19 January 2024


Public Participants:

Mr Tony Flood (Applicant)

Mr Phil Salmon (Agent)



The Committee were advised that the application had been made on Isle of Wight Council owned land.


Councillors asked if there were any details of energy capture on the site, officers advised that there were no details in the application.



The Committee had taken into consideration and agreed with the reasons for the recommendation as set out under the paragraph entitled Justification for Recommendation of the report and resolved:


THAT the application be approved.


As per report (Item 2)


Councillor J Jones-Evans returned to the meeting.


Prior to the three hour point in the meeting, a proposal to extend the meeting under Part 4B(6) (Duration of meetings) of the Council’s Constitution. A vote was taken, of which the result was:




THAT the meeting be extended.






Demolition of dwelling and agricultural buildings; Proposed residential development consisting of 203 dwellings, Refuse/bike stores, Means of access, Open space and associated infrastructure (revised plans/additional information)(readvertised application)


Land At Acorn Farm, 4 Horsebridge Hill, Newport.


Site Visits:

The site visit was carried out on Friday, 19 January 2024


Public Participants:

Phil Rudd (Objector)

Iain Delaney (on behalf of Applicant)

Matthew Richardson (on behalf of Applicant)


Additional Representations:

An update to paragraph 4.6 of the report was provided.



Councillor A Garratt spoke as Local Councillor on this item.


Concern was raised regarding the traffic, officers advised that Island Road’s had not raised concerns, the traffic lights proposed would be triggered by traffic coming out of the proposed development, a bus stop would also be included and the Cowes to Newport bus route ran every 10 minutes.


The Committee were advised that 72 of the units would be affordable with a proportion of these being for key workers.



The Committee had taken into consideration and agreed with the reasons for the recommendation as set out under the paragraph entitled Justification for Recommendation of the report and resolved:


THAT the application be approved.


As per report (Item 2)


Supporting documents: