Agenda item

Future Governance

To consider an update on progress regarding the potential for the Isle of Wight Council to move to a Committee system of governance.


The chairman of the Future Governance Working Group was in attendance to present the report which provided an overview of the work underway, and addressed the committees’ key lines of enquiry, in advance of a progress report being presented to the Audit and Governance Committee and Full Council for deliberation in March 2024.


Questions were raised regarding the proposed number of meetings, and it was suggested that the frequency of Full Council and service committee meetings be increased, particularly where those committees would be taking on both decision-making and scrutiny functions. It was suggested that ‘Regeneration’ be included within the title of the relevant service committee.


Concerns were raised regarding future resources, in terms of both councillors filling committee seats and the capacity of staff to administer additional meetings. Questions were raised regarding the delegation of decision-making powers to council staff. Comments were made regarding the motives driving the change in governance and whether it would ultimately benefit Island residents.


Discussion took place regarding consultation and engagement, including the affected staff whose job roles would be affected. Questions were raised regarding the planned consultation with town, parish, and community councils, whether they would receive the full details of the proposals and whether IWALC would be represented under the new system.


Discussion took place regarding whether it was realistic to implement a new system of governance by May 2024. It was noted that evidence from other local authorities indicated a minimum period of twelve months from the point of passing a resolution to implementation, to enable preparations to take place efficiently and effectively.


Comments were made in relation to the risks associated with the speed of implementation, namely the potential for mistakes to be made, given that a change to a system of decision-making would be new to many councillors and staff, and it was unlikely that sufficient knowledge and experience would be gained by the point of implementation in May 2024. Questions were raised regarding the level of acceptability for mistakes to be made, the risk to the council’s ability to deliver projects, and the potential knock-on impact on future funding. 


Concerns were raised regarding the lack of financial analysis, particularly the current and ongoing expenses incurred whilst the proposals were being formulated (officer time and the employment of external consultants).  Questions were raised around whether this change would incur additional costs for the council at a time of continued financial challenges. Comments were made around future staffing capacity and the committee requested that a full financial risk-assessment be undertaken.




i)                 THAT, whilst the committee supports the proposals to move to a committee-system of governance in principle, it has regard to the risks associated with the speed of implementation by May 2024.


ii)               THAT the committee requests that the Future Governance Working Group considers the following matters:


a)               Considers the risks regarding the speed of implementation, and provides frequent updates to the Corporate Scrutiny Committee as progress continues.


b)               Undertakes a full financial analysis.


c)               Considers increasing the frequency of Full Council meetings.


d)               Considers increasing the frequency of service committee meetings, particularly where the committees would be taking on both decision-making and scrutiny functions.


e)               Considers the inclusion of ‘Regeneration’ within the relevant service committee title.


f)                 Considers the function of scrutiny, and whether separate scrutiny committees should be implemented.


g)               Reconsiders the chairman of the Policy, Finance, and Resources Committee becoming the new leader of the council by default.


h)               Considers the impact on affected staff and consults with those whose job roles would be affected.


i)                 Considers the representation from IWALC within any new governance system.


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