Agenda item

Quarterly Performance Monitoring Report

To review the Council’s performance measures for Quarter 3 of 2023-24.


Consideration was given to the report which provided a summary of progress against Corporate Plan activities for Quarter 3 of 2023-24 and detailed any issues which required attention (and the remedial action in place to deal with these).


Questions were raised regarding the data on the number (and value of) Disabled Facility Grants which had been approved, and whether this was likely to create budget pressures. The Chief Executive confirmed the funding was rolling across financial years and therefore no budget pressures were incurred.


Discussion took place regarding the statistics on the number of households in temporary accommodation, and questions were raised regarding those who are not on the housing register, the definition of ‘temporary’, and whether the banding system was being applied appropriately.  The committee requested a one-off examination of the data set for temporary accommodation to be presented in the next quarterly report.




THAT the report be noted.

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