Agenda item

Report of the Strategic Manager for Planning and Infrastructure

Planning applications and related matters.


Consideration was given to items 1 - 2 of the report of the Strategic Manager for Planning and Infrastructure Delivery.


The Strategic Manager for Planning and Infrastructure advised that application ref number 21/01884/FUL (Proposed Development of 56 Dwellings, means of access off Hillway Road and Steyne Road associated landscaping and infrastructure) the site notice did not identify that the application was contrary to the development plan and therefore may not have been advertised in accordance with the LPA’s standard practice. Even though this would not prejudice anyone’s interest in the application the decision had been taken not to bring the application to the Planning Committee as advertised on 13 June 2023, to allow the application to be re-advertised.





32 tourism pods and associated landscaping


Tapnell Farm, Newport Road, Freshwater

Site Visits:

The site visit was carried out on Friday, 9 June 2023.

Public Participants:

Mr D Long (Agent)


Councillor P Spink spoke as Local Councillor for the application.


Concerns were raised regarding the figures calculated for the nitrates for the proposed development, if incorrect it could impact on the site being nitrate positive, officers advised that the information regarding nitrates was supplied by Natural England in good faith. The Strategic Manager for Planning and Infrastructure Delivery advised the Committee that they had two options, they could proceed and accept the figures as supplied by Natural England and include within the resolution that the decision was based on the figures being checked, if they were found to be flawed then the application would be brought back to the Planning Committee, the other option was to defer the item to the next meeting of the Planning Committee so that the issued could be investigated.


Following a vote it was agreed that the Planning Committee would continue with the meeting and consider the application based on the information available.


Concern was raised regarding accessibility of the site for all users, officers advised that an additional condition relating to accessibility was considered reasonable.


The Committee considered the condition which required any trees or plants which die, were removed, damaged or diseased would be replaced within a five year period, officers advised that the five year period could be extended in condition seven, or the Section 106 agreement could contain a clause which included this. However, officers advised that this would be unusual, and that the Committee may wish to debate the issue. The Committee did not debate the issue and instead, a vote was taken on the outstanding motion to approve the development, subject to the nitrates issue being investigated.


A proposal to approve the application to include an additional condition regarding accessibility, subject to the finalisation of a planning obligation and confirmation that the nitrates information provided by the applicant was suitable, and if not, for the application to be brought back to the Planning Committee.




The application be approved subject to an additional condition regarding accessibility, nitrate data to be confirmed and the completion of a legal agreement relating to management of the land at the site..


Additional Conditions:

Prior to any of the pods hereby approved being bought onto site details of accessibility measures to ensure that an appropriate proportion of the pods would be useable by those who may be registered disabled shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the LPA, to accord with policy DM2 (Design Quality for New Development) of the Island Plan Core Strategy.



Supporting documents: