Agenda item

Quarterly Performance Monitoring Report Q1 2023-24

To consider the Council’s performance measures for Quarter 1 of 2023-24, prior to its consideration by the Cabinet at its meeting on 14 September 2023.


Consideration was given to the report which provided a summary of progress against Corporate Plan activities for Quarter 1 of 2023-24 and detailed any issues which required attention (and the remedial action in place to deal with these).


Discussion took place regarding daily ongoing financial management and the plans in place to address forecasted structural deficits and pressures. Comments were made regarding benefits payments and how the council compares to other authorities in issuing the correct entitlement.


Questions were raised regarding the delays to the Corporate Plan refresh, and it was confirmed that this would be considered by the new Leader of the Council following the meeting of Full Council on 20 September 2023. It was suggested that this be considered by the committee when available.


Discussion took place regarding the banding criteria on the housing register, and the Director of Adult Social Care Housing Needs confirmed that future reporting could show a breakdown of housing bandings in relation to homelessness, temporary accommodation, and emergency accommodation.


Comments were made in relation to the review which had been commissioned to look into the two remaining issues which impact the efficiency and operation of Floating Bridge 6, with a report setting out the findings and recommendations for the council’s consideration and approval by December 2023. It was requested that the committee receive a copy of this report when available.


Following discussion, it was:




THAT a copy of the report setting out the findings and recommendations following the review of Floating Bridge 6 be presented to the committee when available.

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