Agenda item

Member Questions to the Leader and to any other Cabinet Member

To receive a reply to a question asked during Members’ Question Time to the Leader or Cabinet Member, a question must be submitted in writing or by electronic mail to Democratic Services no later than 5pm on Thursday, 11 May 2023. A question may be asked at the meeting without prior notice but in these circumstances there is no guarantee that a full reply will be given at the meeting.


Cllr P Brading submitted a written question. The Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Digital Transformation, Housing, Homeless and Poverty provided a written response. (MQ 04/23).


Cllr V Churchman asked how the Authority were addressing developer commitment to building affordable houses on the island, The Cabinet Member for Planning and Enforcement advised that affordable homes were a corporate priority, government had recognised the importance of building affordable homes for local people.


Cllr P Spink asked for confirmation that Planning Committee members were entitled to vote against officer recommendations provided it is based on material planning considerations, that the possibility of an appeal was not a material planning consideration and that any form of action should not be taken against the councillor concerned. The Cabinet Member for Planning and Enforcement agreed to provide a written response.


Cllr C Mosdell asked when the speeding review feedback would be available. The Cabinet Member for Infrastructure, Highways PFI and Transport advised that it was due after the summer


Cllr C Mosdell asked a supplementary question for the list of hot spot sites to be provided so that town, parish and community councils could ensure specific roads had been included. The Cabinet Member advised that the information would not be provided.


Cllr G Brodie asked if the Cabinet Member would agree that the problems experienced by Planning Authority over the last two years had almost disappeared with the formation of the new group and membership of the committee. The Cabinet Member responded that he was not sure.


Cllr V Churchman asked if the appointed councillors to the Parking And Traffic Outside of London (PATROL) had attended any meetings in the last two years. They both advised that they had been unable to attend any. Cllr Churchman advised that she would be happy to attend on their behalf. The Cabinet Member for Infrastructure, Highways PFI and Transport was happy for her to attend on his behalf.


Cllr A Garratt asked if the Cabinet Member could confirm if there was a list of hotspots for the speeding review. The Cabinet Member advised that there was no list to provide. A supplementary question was asked to go back to officers to request such a list. The Cabinet Member advised there was no list in process of a review and collating data into a report.


Cllr M Price asked if the town, parish and community councils could be provided with the roads or areas that had been assessed to ensure areas had not been missed. The Cabinet Member for Infrastructure, Highways PFI and Transport advised much of the review had been carried out under the scope set out before the review commenced.


Cllr I Ward asked the Cabinet member if he recalled when they worked together to develop housing policy to build more housing it was met with opposition, and one cannot build what one does not have planning permission for. The Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Digital Transformation, Housing, Homeless and Poverty agreed. The Cabinet Member for Planning and Enforcement advised that utilising resources within the Local Planning Authority he had requested affordable housing scheme planning applications to be fast tracked.


Cllr P Spink questioned the terminology used when referring to affordable housing, his preference being social housing for rent. The Cabinet Member for Planning and Enforcement advised that within the draft Island Planning Strategy it would be referred to as Island affordable housing.

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