Agenda item

Declarations of Interest

To invite Members to declare any interest they might have in the matters on the agenda.


Councillor J Medland declared an interest in minute number 27 (Land south of Appley Road North of Bullen Road and east of Hope Road (West Acre Park), Ryde, Isle of Wight) as he had contributed to the crowd funding for the Judicial review regarding this application, he would leave the room for the duration of the application.


Councillor C Jarman advised that he had not attended the arranged site visit, however he had previously attended site visits to the site and was satisfied that he was familiar with the sites to take part and vote on the applications being considered.


Councillor D Andre declared an interest in minute number 27 (Land known as Pennyfeathers land to the south of Smallbrook Lane and to the west of, Brading Road, Ryde) as she was the Cabinet Member for Children’s Services, Education and Lifelong Skills and the scheme included land for a new school.


Councillor W Drew declared an interest in minute number 27 (Land south of Appley Road North of Bullen Road and east of Hope Road (West Acre Park), Ryde, Isle of Wight) as he had made comments on the application, he would leave the room for the application


Councillor C Quirk declared an interest in minute number 27 (Land south of Appley Road North of Bullen Road and east of Hope Road (West Acre Park), Ryde, Isle of Wight) as he had previously taken part in the application and had an open mind.


Councillor M Lilley declared an interest in minute number 27 (Land south of Appley Road North of Bullen Road and east of Hope Road (West Acre Park), Ryde, Isle of Wight) as he objected to the application, he would not take part in the debate or vote on the application.


Councillor M Lilley declared an interest in minute number 27 (Land known as Pennyfeathers land to the south of Smallbrook Lane and to the west of, Brading Road, Ryde) as he was the Local Councillor previously, he would not take part in the debate or vote on the application


Councillor M Lilley declared an interest in minute number 27 (Victoria Barracks, Albany Road, East Cowes) as he had not attended the arranged site visit, he had attended the site on his own to familiarise himself, he was satisfied that he knew the site and would take part and vote on the application.


Councillor P Spink declared an interest in minute number 27 (Land south of Appley Road North of Bullen Road and east of Hope Road (West Acre Park), Ryde, Isle of Wight) as he had also contributed to the crowd funding for a judicial review regarding the application, he had carefully considered his position and believed that he was not pre-determined on the outcome of the application as his concerns related to the procedure in respect of the previous meeting only.


Councillor G Brodie declared an interest in minute number 27(Land south of Appley Road North of Bullen Road and east of Hope Road (West Acre Park), Ryde, Isle of Wight) as he had been on the planning committee for the previous consideration.