Agenda item

QPMR Q4 - 2022-23

To consider the report prior to its consideration by the Cabinet at its meeting on 8 June 2023 , and to consider the performance measures for Quarter 4 of 2022-23.


Consideration was given to the report which provided a summary of progress against Corporate Plan activities for Quarter 4 of 2022-23 and detailed any issues which required attention (and the remedial action in place to deal with these).


Comments were made regarding the reduction of debt payments, borrowing, and capital expenditure. Questions were raised regarding the housing register, particularly in relation to the number of homeless individuals or those living in temporary accommodation. Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Adult Services and Housing, Public Health and Homelessness confirmed that a detailed written response would be provided and circulated to the committee.


Questions were raised regarding planning and enforcement, particularly around the measures in place to address the staffing capacity issues and the potential revaluation of the fees and charges. The committee sought details on the ways in which the council could incentivise landowners build housing in a timely manner once planning permission had been granted. The Cabinet Member for Planning, Coastal Protection and Flooding noted the national guidance and confirmed that this would be addressed in the revised Island Planning Strategy.


Discussion took place regarding the possibility of the committee receiving monthly finance reporting. The chairman confirmed that he would liaise with the Chief Executive and Cabinet Member to discuss the purpose, practicalities, and resourcing for this request.




THAT the report be considered and noted.

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