Agenda item

Quarterly Performance Report - Quarter 3 2022-23

To receive a copy of the report to Cabinet on 9 February 2023, and to consider the performance measures for Quarter 3 of 2022-23.


The Cabinet Member for Strategic Finance, Transformational Change and Corporate Resources presented the report which sought to provide the Cabinet with a summary of progress against Corporate Plan activities and measures for Quarter 3 of 2022-23. It was confirmed that future performance reporting would including data sources for graphs. Comments were made in relation to budgeting, particularly with regards to funding (such as the progress with the funding bid for a new SEND school) and income generation (including the plans to ensure the continual growth for the 1Leisure and green waste collection services). Questions were raised with regards to the mini forest that had been secured in the council’s name through a procurement exercise with the manufacturer of Nokia phones to offset carbon emissions, and it was agreed that details on this would be circulated to the committee. 




THAT the report be noted.

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