Agenda item

Report of the Strategic Manager for Planning and Infrastructure

Planning applications and related matters.


Consideration was given to items 1 - 2 of the report of the Strategic Manager for Planning and Infrastructure Delivery.


A schedule of additional representations received after the printing of the report were submitted at the beginning of the meeting and were drawn to the attention of the Councillors when considering the application. A note is made to that effect in the minutes.





Outline for up to 50 residential dwellings (with details of access), creation of a new access off Puckpool Hill, and provision of public open space, landscaping and associated works (revised illustrative master plan, biodiversity net gain calculation, revised flood risk assessment, and response to Island Roads comments received) (readvertised application)


Land North of Woodland Close and Adjacent Cedar Lodge and Thornton Cottage, Puckpool Hill, Seaview.


Site Visits:

The site visit was carried out on Friday, 17 June 2022.

Public Participants:

Tom Langshaw (Objector)

Ed Allsop (Agent)

Patricia Redpath (on behalf of Nettlestone and Seaview Parish Council)

Additional Representations:

Additional letters of objection had been received by the Local Planning Authority since the report had been published which raised concerns already referred to in the report.

It was clarified that the rights of way improvements required a contribution to be used to improve the existing right of way to Appley Park, the Council would ensure trees were adequately protected.

An amendment to condition 14 was proposed to ensure it was sufficiently flexible to allow for biodiversity net gain proposals to be modified to reflect the development.


Councillor Jarman read out a statement on behalf of Councillor Adams as local member.


Concern was raised regarding the road layout and access onto the proposed site, the Island Roads representative advised that the works being carried out exceeded the requirements for visibility splays.


The Committee asked if approved that the reserved matters application be brought back to the Committee, the Strategic Manager for Planning and Infrastructure Delivery confirmed that an application of this size would be considered by the Planning Committee.


Questions were asked regarding the traffic improvement scheme agreed on a neighbouring site, and the additional improvements contained in the proposed application, they were advised that the highway improvements secured by the other development were the same as those proposed in this application, but that the contribution from this development towards improvement of the existing right of way from Puckpool Hill to Appley Park was an additional benefit of the application. It was clarified that these highway improvements would need to be secured for this application also as they are considered necessary to make the current application acceptable, concern was also raised regarding the proposed uncontrolled crossings.


The Committee questioned the comments made regarding the previous use of the field and if Sport England had been consulted on the application, Officers advised that Sport England would be consulted if the land had been used in the last five years, it was understood that the field had not been used for sporting activities in at least 20 years.


Advice was sought from Planning Officers regarding the proposed affordable housing on the site, and asked if they could include into the legal agreement the definition of what affordable housing was provided for example affordable rented or owned, they were informed that they could stipulate what affordable housing the developer was providing.



The Committee had taken into consideration and agreed with the reasons for the recommendation as set out under the paragraph entitled Justification for Recommendation of the report and resolved:




THAT the application be approved subject to replacing the uncontrolled crossings with zebra crossings in the most suitable location, and the affordable housing to be 80% affordable rented and 20% affordable shared ownership.


As per report (Item 1)


Prior to the three-hour point in the meeting, the chairman proposed that the meeting be extended for up to thirty minutes (to allow sufficient time for the remaining agenda items to be considered) under Part 4B(6) (Duration of meetings) of the Council’s Constitution.




THAT the meeting be extended by up to thirty minutes.





Change of use from commercial (former bank) to a dwelling


14 High Street, Sandown, Isle of Wight.


Site Visits:

The site visit was carried out on Friday, 17 June 2022.


Councillor Debbie Andre spoke on behalf of Councillor Ian Ward as Local Councillor for the application.


The Committee asked for clarification of the use of the upper floors of the building and were advised that the submitted floor plans showed that they had been used as part of the commercial unit on the ground floor, a Prior notification application had been submitted to the Local Planning Authority in December 2021 for change of use from commercial to residential use, which was a further indicator that the building was commercial at that time.


Councillors questioned if there would be access for the property to use the ground floor as retail and continue to convert the upper floors into residential planning officers explained that there could be access to both using separate access points as neighbouring properties had converted upper floors to residential.



The Committee had taken into consideration and agreed with the reasons for the recommendation as set out under the paragraph entitled Justification for Recommendation of the report




THAT the application be refused


As per report (Item 2)


Supporting documents: