Agenda item

Cabinet Member Announcements

To invite Cabinet Members to provide a brief update on matters concerning their portfolio.


The Cabinet Member for Children’s Services, Education and Lifelong Skills reported that she had attended the PEACH games, a sports event for children, selected by teachers, who would not usually excel in sports. She had also attended the opening of St George’s School 6th Form and had met teachers and students. There would be good provision for SEN students. Thanks were expressed to all secondary school teachers for ensuring that GCSEs had been undertaken successfully with all the disruption of the past two years.


The Cabinet Member for Climate Change, Environment, Heritage, Human Resources and Democratic Services reported that the Mardi Gras which had taken place the previous week had concentrated on the biosphere and students had learned a lot from studying this. The Rhythmtree event had supported the environment with reusable cups being used. The household battery collection was working well and there had been no fires in the waste processor from batteries. The Policy and Scrutiny Committee for neighbourhoods and Regeneration had noted that projects to the value of £200,000 had been identified by the Rights of Way Team, including the development of a new database. This money had now been committed.


The Cabinet Member for Planning and Enforcement reported that he would be having one-to-one meetings to look at issues raised in relation to the Island Plan prior to Full Council in September. Planning officers were also working with councillors to address any concerns.


The Cabinet Member for Levelling Up, Regeneration, Business Development and Tourism reported that the Solent Local Enterprise Partnership had given their first introduction to their proposals for the next few years.


The Innovation Wight building would be due for completion in August 2022. A mentoring programme for businesses was being discussed with Portsmouth university.


‘Shademakers’ who took part in the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Parade would feature at carnivals on the island this summer.


The Cabinet Member for Infrastructure, Highways PFI and Transport reported that there was a new member of staff in the Highways team who had brought some good ideas, including a road safety theatre performance in secondary schools. The Leader was keen to bring back the previous ‘Head-On’ campaign.


The Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care and Public Health reported that advice was to be given to attendees at the Pride event in Ryde the coming weekend, on how to stay safe in the hot weather. COVID numbers were increasing on the island, which was impacting on the social care workforce, although staffing numbers had generally improved. A meeting had taken place with Red Funnel in relation to the upcoming strike and it had been confirmed that people travelling to the mainland for medical appointments during the strike would be prioritised on production of their appointment letter.


The Cabinet member for Community Protection, Regulatory Services and Waste reported that it was currently ASBO awareness week. She would be meeting with the local Police Superintendent and councillors were invited to pass on to her any items for discussion


The Cabinet Member for Digital Transformation, Housing, Homelessness and Poverty reported that a compendium of anti-poverty help was to be put onto Isle-Help website. He had attended an LGA Conference where there were representatives of property companies. The council had recently appointed a Housing Manager who could get the property company moving. He had been to speak about homelessness at Radio Solent and Radio 4, and also Politics South on tv. Affordable housing would be moving forward in the next month or two.


The Cabinet Member for Strategic Finance, Transformational Change and Corporate Resources reported that the work on Transformational Change had received cross-party support. A review of constitutional changes would take place with a draft Terms of Reference and workplan drawn up to ensure there would be no duplication of actions from other working groups.


Fortnightly meetings of Ukranian hosts were taking place and the Riverside Centre had arranged some days out and activities for refugees. Thanks were expressed to schools for integrating Ukranian children into schools.