Agenda item

Report of the Strategic Manager for Planning and Infrastructure Delivery

Planning applications and related matters.


Consideration was given to item 1 of the report of the Strategic Manager for Planning and Infrastructure Delivery.


A schedule of additional representations received after the printing of the report were submitted at the beginning of the meeting and were drawn to the attention of the Councillors when considering the application. A note is made to that effect in the minutes.






Demolition of bungalow; proposed residential development comprising 28 dwellings, 3 blocks of flats comprising of 72 units, 1 block of assisted living accommodation comprising of 44 units, 1 staff unit and 1 guest unit (total of 146 units); associated parking; new vehicular access and landscaping


Former Somerton Reservoir off, Newport Road, Cowes


Site Visits:

The site visit was carried out on Friday, 22 April 2022.


Public Participation:

Mr David Long (Agent)


Additional Representations:

Five additional letters of objection had been received, the content was summarised, the planning agent for the application had commented on the report.



Cllr John Nicholson spoke as Local Councillor and Cllr Lora Peacey-Wilcox spoke as adjoining Local Councillor on this item.


Questions were raised regarding a right hand turn only out of the site, highway representatives advised that the transport assessment had been considered with a 50/50 split to traffic turning either way, it was believed there would be an increase in traffic on the Somerton roundabout, however  planning officers advised that should councillors wish to add a requirement for a right turn only they would have to bear in mind that it would be doubling the identified traffic generation onto Somerton roundabout and therefore the impact would also be doubled.


The Committee asked if conditions could be added to include the maximum amount of roof space used for solar harvesting and the incorporation of electrical charging points for both cars and bikes given the council’s carbon policy, officers advised that there were concerns regarding a condition relating to the solar harvesting due to the potential wording not complying with the tests as it would not be specific, although a condition relating to electrical charging points could be added.


Concern was raised regarding drainage and the committee asked if condition 22 could be amended to be more robust regarding this issue, officers advised that there had been an error on the condition which should read commencement and not occupation. Officers also advised that Southern Water had been consulted on the application and the Local Planning Authority were unable to stipulate where/how the connection to the drains was managed.


Questions were asked regarding the Special Protected Area (SPA) and the ecologists’ comments as consultee for the application, Planning officers advised that a balance had been made between the impact on the SPA and the proposed development. It was noted that the reservoir had been emptied of both fish and water, but it now contained water again, mainly due to it still connecting to highway drainage.


The Committee asked for clarification of the local connection scheme for housing and how this would read within the legal agreement attached to the application, a short adjournment was taken for officers to find the wording for this and provide to the Committee. Following the adjournment Legal services read out possible wording of the agreement. It was then asked if a survey could be requested to ensure the condition was complied with.


Safe cycle routes were questioned, and officers advised that they could not confirm if the road was wide enough to accommodate an additional cycle lane onto Newport Road, where the cycle lane would go to and from and whether this would be reasonable in respect of the scale of the proposed development. Viability of the development was also considered as a cycle lane could increase costs to the developer.



The Committee had taken into consideration and agreed with the reasons for the recommendation as set out under the paragraph entitled Justification for Recommendation of the report and:




THAT the application be approved subject to additional and amended conditions listed below:


Additional Conditions:

  • No right hand turn out of the site
  • The maximum possible roof space solar harvesting to be provided
  • 25% of car parking spaces and all cycle space to provide electrical charging points
  • Memorial signage for TollGate Cottage (on which the Parish Council will be consulted)
  • Ecological management strategy to be in place to deal with wildlife on/in the water prior to the drainage of the reservoir


Additional requirements in the Section 106 agreement:

  • Local connect to be included similar to that as read out by legal
  • Survey of where new owners had moved from to demonstrate above requirement had been complied with
  • Affordable housing to be provided equally between unit types/sizes on site (5 houses, 5 assisted units and 5 flats)


Amended Condition 22


The development hereby permitted shall not be commenced until a scheme for the drainage and disposal of surface and foul water from the development hereby permitted and the existing highway surface water drainage, which is currently accommodated on site, has been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. The details shall confirm the Wastewater Treatment Works (WWTW) that will treat drainage from the development hereby permitted and where on-site petrol interceptors will be installed.  [Southern Water will be consulted on this condition prior to discharge]


Supporting documents: