Agenda item

Report of the Strategic Manager for Planning and Infrastructure

Planning applications and related matters.


Consideration was given to items 1 -2 of the report of the Strategic Manager for Planning and Infrastructure Delivery.


A schedule of additional representations received after the printing of the report were submitted at the beginning of the meeting and were drawn to the attention of the Members when considering the application. A note is made to that effect in the minutes.






Demolition of barns and storage buildings; proposed construction of 16 dwellings and use of existing holiday bungalow as permanent dwelling; access road, garaging/car ports, parking and associated landscaping


Land at Lee Farm, Main Road, Wellow


Site Visit:

The site visit was carried out on Friday, 25 February 2022.


Public Participants:

Mr Steve Cowley (Applicant)


Additional Representations:

It was noted that the calculation relating to housing delivery within section 6.9 of the report was incorrect, the figures should read 501 and 364 respectively.


Since publication of the report officers had completed an appropriate assessment of the development proposals on Solent Marine sites and foul drainage systems, they concluded that there would be no adverse effect on Solent Marine Sites. Consultation with Natural England had been completed and they agreed with the conclusion.



Councillor Peter Spink spoke as Local Councillor for the site, once he had completed his speech, he then left the Council Chamber.


Officers advised Councillors against giving weight to the emerging Island Planning Strategy policies in their decision-making, as it had not been sufficiently progressed through the adoption process.


Concerns were raised regarding the lack of affordable housing on the site and understood that was due to the land being offered by the applicant for the proposed West Wight greenway. Officers advised that the land for the greenway would be dedicated at no cost to the Council, and also advised that the Rights of Way manager had provided a cost summary for the works to bring the land up to the standard required for the Greenway which would be included in the legal agreement if the application was approved. They went on to advise that this part of the greenway would connect other parts already available, and those agreed to be used for the remainder of the route.


A proposal was made to approve the application subject to a condition being added to ensure the construction of the greenway and for any excess money to be spent in the parishes of Yarmouth and Shalfleet on affordable homes.


A short adjournment was taken to allow officers to consider the proposal and suggest additional conditions.


Following the adjournment officers advised that any excess money would be spent within the local vicinity and believed it would be unreasonable to ask the greenway to be completed prior to any occupation and believed a trigger point of between 50 – 75 % would allow for negotiation.


The proposer also requested that the Greenway route should be dedicated as a bridleway upon the commencement of the approved development.


The proposer and seconder agreed with the suggested changes and a vote was taken the result of which was:



The Committee had taken into consideration and agreed with the reasons for the recommendation as set out under the paragraph entitled Justification for Recommendation of the report and resolved:


THAT the application be approved subject to the following:


  • Commencement of work on the greenway would begin around 50% of occupation of dwellings and full delivery by 75% of occupation
  • In the meantime, the entire route would be dedicated by the Local Authority for use as a bridleway
  • Affordable housing contributions would be used within the local parish


Councillor Spink returned to the Council Chamber






Proposed demolition of building


Ryde Pier Café and adjoining public toilets, Esplanade, Ryde


Site Visits:

The site visit was carried out on Friday, 25 February 2022.


Public Participants:

Mr David Newton (Applicant)



Councillor Jordan spoke as Local Councillor


Concern was raised regarding the length of time the temporary toilets would remain and if new toilets would be incorporated into the design of the new station, the Chairman agreed to allow the Cabinet Member for Highways PFI and transport Infrastructure to advise the committee that the development had to be delivered by March 2023, due to the pandemic there had been an agreement that the date may be pushed back between 3-6 months, the scheme had always included toilets and facilities within the new station and the Isle of Wight Council would be designing and ensuring delivery of the new station.


The committee asked why they were only considering this part of the development, officers advised that this site fell within a Conservation Area and therefore required consent to demolish, that the majority of the other works could be undertaken by the Council as Highways Authority under permitted development rights and that the other parts of the scheme that would require planning permission would be applied for at the appropriate time.



The Committee had taken into consideration and agreed with the reasons for the recommendation as set out under paragraph entitled Justification for recommendation of the report and resolved:


THAT the application be approved.


Prior to the three hour point in the meeting, a proposal to extend the meeting by an hour under Part 4B paragraph 6 (Duration of meetings) and paragraph 10 (voting) of the Council’s Constitution was put to the meeting by the Chairman.




THAT the meeting be extended by up to an hour.


Supporting documents: