Agenda item

Member Question Time (30 minutes)

To receive a reply to a question asked during Members’ Question Time, a question must be submitted in writing or by electronic mail to Democratic Services no later than 5pm on Thursday, 17 February 2022. A question may be asked at the meeting without prior notice but in these circumstances there is no guarantee that a full reply will be given at the meeting.


Councillors Robertson, Ellis and Drew asked the Leader questions relating to a recent media story regarding an image shared on her personal social media account, the Leader stated the question had not been submitted in advance of the meeting and was not in relation to budget or policy and would therefore not answer the question.


The Chairman expressed his concern that the questions were not being answered as he considered the equality and diversity impact to the council to be important, he asked that the questioners put their questions in writing for a written response, which the Leader agreed she would undertake.


Councillor Jones-Evans asked about the plans regarding the lack of housing on the Island, the Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Community Protection, Digital Transformation, Housing Provision and Housing Needs advised that empty properties were being looked at and brought back into use, Camphill site was currently unavailable and as stated in the approved budget, money would be spent on looking into brown field sites across the Island.


Councillor Garratt understood the situation regarding the Camphill site, however he requested that green field areas needed to be protected.


The Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Community Protection, Digital Transformation, Housing Provision and Housing Needs advised that he believed an independent consultant would review brown field sites on the Island.


Councillor Mosdell asked if the Leader and Cabinet member for Highways PFI, Transport and Infrastructure would attend a meeting with Newchurch Parish Council before any decision was made regarding weight restrictions through the village, the Leader advised they would be happy to attend a meeting.


Councillor Peacey-Wilcox asked Councillor Nicholson as Chairman of the Policy and Scrutiny Committee for Health and Social Care for an update on dentistry. He advised that there had been a lack of meaningful response from commissioners on the Island. He had concerns regarding the primary care model, he highlighted that many GP surgeries were private practices commissioned by the Clinical Commissioning Group.


Councillor Fuller advised that a Councillors Planning Strategy briefing was being arranged in March, the Leader advised that she was aware and supportive.


Councillor Jordan asked Councillor Nicholson if he would assist with patient travel to the mainland for treatment? He was advised that it had been raised as a concern at the Policy and Scrutiny Committee and was on the Committee’s workplan.


Councillor Spink asked a question regarding the Planning Strategy briefing and requested sight of the draft plan and formal response from the task and finish group prior to the briefing. The Cabinet Member for Planning and Community Engagement advised that the intention was to supply the draft plan as early as possible.


Councillor Pitcher asked that a solution be found with the residents of New Road, who were impacted on the work that had now been postponed until 2023, the Cabinet Member for Highways PFI, Transport and Infrastructure advised that they would seek to find the best solution


The Chairman asked that Councillor Andre as a member of the Health and Wellbeing Board accept his thanks to the way she has addressed adult learning and child poverty within his ward, the Cabinet Member for Children’s Services, Education and Lifelong skills advised that she would accept his thanks and thanked officers for a pilot project that had been set up.