Venue: Council Chamber, County Hall, Newport, Isle of WIght
Contact: Sarah MacDonald Email:
No. | Item |
To confirm as a true record the Minutes of the meeting held on 13 June 2024. Minutes: RESOLVED:
THAT the minutes of the meeting held on 13 June 2024 be approved. |
Declarations of Interest To invite Members to declare any interest they might have in the matters on the agenda. Minutes: No declarations were received at this stage. |
Questions may be asked without notice but to guarantee a full reply at the meeting, a question must be put including the name and address of the questioner by delivery in writing or by electronic mail to Democratic Services at, no later than two clear working days before the start of the meeting. The deadline for written questions will be Monday 15 July 2024. Additional documents:
Minutes: Mr Giles Aldred of Shorwell asked an oral question regarding school place planning and small schools in rural communities. The Cabinet Member for Children's Services, Education and Corporate Functions assured that each school would be considered individually and there was no pre-determination in favour of any school.
A series of written public questions had been submitted regarding school place planning; from Mr Keith Herbert of Brighstone (PQ 12-24), Ms Rose Millard of Shorwell (PQ 14-24), Mr Sam Cambridge of Brighstone (PQ 15-24), Ms Anna Price of Brighstone (PQ 16-24), Dr Kate Cambridge of Brighstone (PQ 17-24), Mrs Kirsti Cousins of Northwood (PQ 18-24) and Ms Lucy Aram of Newport (PQ 19-24). The chairman confirmed that written responses had been provided. |
Chairman's Announcements Minutes: No announcements were made. |
Report of the Cabinet Member for Children's Services, Education and Corporate Functions |
School Place Planning PDF 191 KB Additional documents:
Decision: THAT Cabinet approves publication of the draft school place planning strategy, and agrees to proceed with reviewing the level of surplus places, and increases to special educational needs provision, to support improved education standards within the context of the emerging Education Strategy. Minutes: Consideration was given to the report which outlined the draft School Place Planning Strategy. The Cabinet Member for Children's Services, Education and Corporate Functions advised that this had been developed to improve the education standards across the Island by reducing surplus school places and increasing special educational needs provision. It was strongly emphasised that no schools had been identified for closure at this stage.
Comments were made with regards to government funding models, national population changes, ongoing engagement with the public (including school leaders and parents), and the holistic approach being undertaken to thoroughly consider each school and to ensure that all children on the Island receive the best possible education. Cabinet Members acknowledged the difficulty of the decision and expressed its thanks to the staff involved in developing the strategy. Following discussion, it was proposed and duly seconded, and it was:
THAT the publication of the draft School Place Planning Strategy be approved, and the review of the level of surplus school places and special educational needs provision be agreed. |
Report of the Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care and Public Health |
Better Care Fund (BCF) 2023 – 2025 Midway Update PDF 170 KB Additional documents: Decision: THAT the Better Care Fund 2023-2025 mid-way submission be noted. Minutes: The Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care and Public Health presented the report which provided an update on the Better Care Fund’s 2023/2025 mid-way submission, as required by NHS England. No comments or questions were raised, and the report was noted.
THAT the Better Care Fund 2023-2025 mid-way submission be noted. |
Report of the Cabinet Member for Transport and Infrastructure, Highways PFI and Transport Strategy |
A3056 Speed Limits Review TRO PDF 194 KB Additional documents:
Decision: THAT the following speed limits on A3056 be approved:
To introduce a 20mph speed limit in the following lengths of road:
a) A3056 Arreton Street, Arreton, between a point 75m west of its junction with Pump Lane and a point 70m south-east of its junction with School Lane. The restriction will only be active when the illuminated signage on-street is lit and will override the current 30mph speed restriction during this time.
b) A3056 Newport Road, Lake, between a point 145m east of its junction with Whitecross Lane and a point 30m west of Manor Road. The restriction will only be active when the illuminated signage on-street is lit and will override the current 30mph speed restriction during this time.
To introduce a 30pmh speed limit in the following length of road:
c) A3056 Newport Road, Lake, between a point 25.5m west of its junction with Scotchells Brook Lane, Newchurch and a point 148.5 metres east of its junction with Scotchells Brook Lane. A distance of approximately 183 metres.
To introduce a 40mph speed limit in the following lengths of road:
d) Arreton Street, Arreton, between a point 50m west of the Arreton Barns access road and its junction with Arreton Road.
e) Arreton Road, Arreton, between its junction with Arreton Street and its junction with Sandown Road.
f) Sandown Road, Arreton, between its junction with Arreton Road and a point 110 metres west of its junction with Merstone Lane.
g) Merstone Lane, Godshill, between its junction with the A3056 Sandown Road and a point 450m north of Chapel Lane.
h) East Lane, Merstone, between its junction with the A3056 Sandown Road and a point 30m south thereof.
i) Downend Road, Newport, between its junction with the A3056 Arreton Street and a point 45m north thereof.
j) A3056 Hale Common, Arreton, between a point 155m south-east of Bathingbourne Lane and a point 185m north-west of Winford Road.
To introduce a 50mph speed limit in the following lengths of road -
k) A3056 Blackwater Shute, Arreton, between a point 120m south-east of Blackwater Hollow and its junction with Sandown Road.
l) Sandown Road, Arreton, between its junction with Blackwater Hollow and a point 110m west of Merstone Lane.
To revoke a 50mph speed limit in the following length of road –
m) Hale Common, Arreton, between a point 155m south-east of Bathingbourne Lane and a point 185m north-west of Winford Road.
To revoke a 40mph speed Limit in the following length of road:
n) A3056 Newport Road, Apse Heath, between a point 40m west of its junction with Lake Industrial Way, Lake and a point 25.5 metres west of its junction with Scotchells Brook Lane. Minutes: The Cabinet Member for Transport and Infrastructure, Highways PFI and Transport Strategy presented the report which proposed a change to the speed limits on the highway between Newport and Sandown (A3056). No comments or questions were raised; it was proposed and duly seconded, and it was:
THAT the following speed limits on A3056 be approved:
To introduce a 20mph speed limit in the following lengths of road:
a) A3056 Arreton Street, Arreton, between a point 75m west of its junction with Pump Lane and a point 70m south-east of its junction with School Lane. The restriction will only be active when the illuminated signage on-street is lit and will override the current 30mph speed restriction during this time.
b) A3056 Newport Road, Lake, between a point 145m east of its junction with Whitecross Lane and a point 30m west of Manor Road. The restriction will only be active when the illuminated signage on-street is lit and will override the current 30mph speed restriction during this time.
To introduce a 30pmh speed limit in the following length of road:
c) A3056 Newport Road, Lake, between a point 25.5m west of its junction with Scotchells Brook Lane, Newchurch and a point 148.5 metres east of its junction with Scotchells Brook Lane. A distance of approximately 183 metres.
To introduce a 40mph speed limit in the following lengths of road:
d) Arreton Street, Arreton, between a point 50m west of the Arreton Barns access road and its junction with Arreton Road.
e) Arreton Road, Arreton, between its junction with Arreton Street and its junction with Sandown Road.
f) Sandown Road, Arreton, between its junction with Arreton Road and a point 110 metres west of its junction with Merstone Lane.
g) Merstone Lane, Godshill, between its junction with the A3056 Sandown Road and a point 450m north of Chapel Lane.
h) East Lane, Merstone, between its junction with the A3056 Sandown Road and a point 30m south thereof.
i) Downend Road, Newport, between its junction with the A3056 Arreton Street and a point 45m north thereof.
j) A3056 Hale Common, Arreton, between a point 155m south-east of Bathingbourne Lane and a point 185m north-west of Winford Road.
To introduce a 50mph speed limit in the following lengths of road -
k) A3056 Blackwater Shute, Arreton, between a point 120m south-east of Blackwater Hollow and its junction with Sandown Road.
l) Sandown Road, Arreton, between its junction with Blackwater Hollow and a point 110m west of Merstone Lane.
To revoke a 50mph speed limit in the following length of road –
m) Hale Common, Arreton, between a point 155m south-east of Bathingbourne Lane and a point 185m north-west of Winford Road.
To revoke a 40mph speed Limit in the following length of road:
n) A3056 Newport Road, Apse Heath, between a point 40m west of its junction with Lake Industrial Way, Lake and a point 25.5 metres west of its junction with Scotchells Brook Lane. |
Cabinet Member Announcements To invite Cabinet Members to provide a brief update on matters concerning their portfolio. Minutes: The Cabinet Member for Economy, Regeneration, Tourism and Leisure reported that the Kingstone Marine Park project was moving forward with Medina Studios Ltd looking to lodge a planning application in the Summer 2024. Attention drawn to the continued financial recovery of 1Leisure, and the contract which had been awarded for Sandown Town Hall. It was reminded that Ventnor Fringe would begin this weekend.
The Cabinet Member for Regulatory Services, Community Protection and ICT reported that good news was anticipated soon. It was reminded that Isle of Wight Pride was to be held in Ryde this weekend.
The Cabinet Member for Climate Change, Biosphere and Waste congratulated everyone who took part in the biosphere weekend and the Wight in Bloom awards.
The Cabinet Member for Planning, Coastal Protection and Flooding reported that flooding Section 19 reports were in the process of being issued and a new corporate priority would support the delivery of this. The Coastal Protection Team were congratulated for being a part of the partnership which won an award for the Ventnor esplanade coastal protection scheme. It was reminded that the Island Planning Strategy was still out for public engagement.
The Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care and Public Health reported that preparations were underway for the two-day Adult Social Care and Housing conference, and good progress was being made towards the community capacity and resilience fund.
The Cabinet Member for Housing and Finance reported on the number of those on the housing register, including those living temporary accommodation. It was advised that there was an emerging overspend of £350,000 within this financial year and the team were working proactively to address these pressures.
The Cabinet Member for Transport and Infrastructure, Highways PFI and Transport Strategy reported that the Floating Bridge was back in operation, and a team was in place to procure a replacement vessel. It was confirmed that Leeson Road in Ventnor had been reopened (under a traffic management system) following the landslip in December 2023. It was advised that a business case would be developed for Military Road. |
Consideration of the Forward Plan PDF 96 KB Cabinet Members to identify decisions which need to be amended, added or to be removed from the Forward Plan. Minutes: It was noted that Forward Plan would be updated to reflect that the Isle of Wight AONB had been renamed to National Landscapes. |
Members' Question Time To guarantee a reply to a question, a question must be submitted in writing or by electronic mail to no later than 5pm on Tuesday 16 July 2024. A question may be asked at the meeting without prior notice but in these circumstances, there is no guarantee that a full reply will be given at the meeting.
Minutes: No written questions had been received.
Cllr Peter Spink asked an oral question regarding the accessibility of the Island Planning Strategy online engagement form, and whether some of the declarations were required nationally or had been determined locally, as it could deter people from engaging. The Cabinet Member for Planning, Coastal Protection and Flooding advised that a similar question had been asked recently and the response would be circulated to Cllr Spink. It was confirmed that for those unable to access the engagement online, provisions had been arranged in the libraries to ensure that residents have the opportunity to respond.
Cllr Peter Spink asked an oral question regarding whether there was any scope for lobbying the government for the biosphere to be given a legal land designation. Cabinet members supported the sentiment and the Leader agreed to raise this matter with both MPs in due course. |