Agenda and minutes

Local Outbreak Engagement Board - Thursday, 18th March, 2021 2.00 pm

Venue: Virtual (MS Teams)

Contact: Marie Bartlett  Email:


No. Item


Minutes pdf icon PDF 226 KB

To confirm as a true record the Minutes of the meeting held on 11 February 2021.




THAT the minutes of the meeting held on 11 February 2021 be confirmed.


Declarations of Interest

To invite Members to declare any interest they might have in the matters on the agenda.


No declarations were received at this stage.


Public Question Time

Questions must be put including the name and address of the questioner by delivery in writing or by electronic mail to Democratic Services at, no later than two clear working days before the start of the meeting. Therefore the deadline for written questions will be Monday, 15 March 2021.



No public questions were received.


Reports of the Local Outbreak Engagement Board


Update on current situation


The Director for Public Health (DPH) advised the board that the number of infections on the Island continued to fall, it was expected that the new infection rate may increase and decrease at times, this was to be expected due to the increase in testing. The number of people currently in hospital had fallen and so had the number of deaths.


The board asked what the current situation was regarding the different variants and if there was any update for the Island. The Director of Public Health advised that new variants spread quicker, and it was important for people to follow the rules.


Concern was raised regarding the potential shortage of vaccinations, they were assured that plans were being put in place at a local level, there had been a great effort by all involved.


Actions taken and required

To receive an update from the Director of Public Health.


The board were advised that testing on the Island had been increased, with work place testing and community collect being rolled out, it was noted that the increase in testing would show and increase in the number of cases, although it was felt this would help supress the virus by ensuring those people who tested positive without symptoms to self-isolate.


The government had released a map of how lockdown would be eased with 5 weeks between each step to allow for monitoring of figures, everyone needed to be mindful that Covid-19 was still here and guidelines needed to be followed even those who had their vaccine.


It was noted that the Easter break would fall under the current restrictions. After April 12th there would be an increase in the number of people out and about and it was important not to become complacent.


Confirmation was provided regarding the two different tests that were being provided, they were both lateral flow test however one was being done in an environment that was supervised and the other one was not supervised, a PCR test was required for any positive test from unsupervised testing to confirm. If a parent had tested positive they were being advised to keep the child off school to self-isolate which helped to reduce the spread of the virus.


Update on Communications Activity

To receive an update from the Assistant Chief Executive and Chief Strategy Officer.


The Assistant Chief Executive advised that the key message to residents was that all actions made a big difference and to continue with Hands-Face-Space-Ventilate, the more residents did collectively the more success in reducing the spread of the virus.


It was noted that behaviours wouldn’t prevent people doing things, they would have to think how they would do it in a safe way. It was understood from Government that those advised to shield had been informed that this would no longer be required from 1 April 2021 and the Local Authority were looking at how to support people who may be anxious about this.


It was acknowledged that from 29 March 2021 restrictions eased to allow people to meet outdoors, it was expected that an increase in the number of cars on the road and cross Solent travel would be noticeable, this was allowed within the restrictions, overnight stays were still not allowed under the regulations.


Tuesday, 23 March 2021 would be the first-year anniversary and the Isle of Wight Council would be taking part in the national day of reflection. Sessions for businesses were being provided to explain the covid safe restrictions and ensure businesses were opened safely.


Business grants were still available, once more detail was understood the web pages would be updated and businesses notified, in total £79 million had been paid out in business grants in the last year, thanks were given to the team that had made that possible.


It was noted that support for businesses could be sought via the Council’s contact centre or via the website.




Members' Question Time

A question must be submitted in writing or by electronic mail to Democratic Services no later than 2.00pm on Tuesday, 16 March 2021.


No members questions were received.