Venue: Virtual (MS Teams)
Contact: Jayne Tyler Email:
No. | Item |
Declarations of Interest To invite Members to declare any interest they might have in the matters on the agenda. Minutes: No declarations were received at this stage. |
Reports of the Local Outbreak Engagement Board |
Update on the current situation Minutes: Cllr Hutchinson highlighted the rapidly changing plan and noted the move from response to containment the task being to make sure that the Island is not hit as elsewhere.
Director of Public Health (DPH) for Isle of Wight Council, Simon Bryant, Provided the following update:
484 cases (published up to 07/10/20) Last confirmed case 30/09/2020 One confirmed outbreak (w/e 01/10/2020) Weekly rate is 9.2 cases per 100,000 (w/e 01/10/20) Care homes 33 outbreaks in care homes Excess deaths have come down but in a good position overall in terms of Covid Deaths. R value – do not have one for Island Early warning indicators noted 9.2 cases per 100,000 although in a good position
Cllr Mosdell asked about student testing and whether those registered still on the Island affected the numbers. Cllr Mosdell stated this could affect the numbers. The DPH advised that was the case but details such as that were scrutinised carefully.
The test centre was located at Newclose cricket ground and people had originally travelled from the mainland to undergo a test. There had been a considerable amount of work done in terms of communications to counter this and there were now increased options for testing on the mainland.
Cllr Stewart noted the communications that have been undertaken. The issue was discussed with the national testing scheme and the Board noted it was important to get the message out pro-actively on the Island in terms of obtaining a test. In addition, the council’s communications team had worked with the media outlets and mainland authorities to get the message out that the public should not be using public transport to get to a drive-in test centre. This continued to be monitored and demonstrated this message can get out effectively and quickly.
Cllr Stewart asked for an update in regard to enforcement. Cllr Peace advised there was nothing to report in terms of enforcement. Enforcement teams continued to monitor the situation carefully.
Cllr Stewart made mention of the QR app and Cllr Peace advised on the work that was underway to support businesses with free online sessions which were being advertised on the council’s website.
The Board considered the recent issue of Covid Marshal, noting the council would be reviewing that guidance. However, this was not expected to be an enforcement role, more that of prevention, advice and guidance provision.
Cllr Mosdell wished to place on record her thanks for the work of the Assistant Chief Executive and the team in terms of the self-isolation tool kit. Cllr Mosdell highlighted the need to ensure that residents were prepared for how strict lock down was and how difficult it was to maintain this for the required two weeks. Cllr Mosdell said she spoke from personal experience and emphasised the importance of an isolation buddy.
Actions taken and required To receive an update from the Director of Public Health. Minutes: The Board noted the following:
• The Chief Executive had raised the issue around testing capacity and lab capacity was improving, which was positive.
• Venues and introduction QR codes at entrances.
• The preparation of settings, including community and voluntary were underway for the next phase and all should be thankful to the community of the Island, in terms of their response.
• Work continued with care homes in order that they can prevent infection and respond to outbreaks.
• Working continued with schools to ensure they could return successfully – over 25 webinars had been held including the early years and college settings.
• Working with the setting to prevent outbreaks and ensure that this is communicated widely.
• Good multi-agency work continued with many colleagues in a number of settings.
• Communications had ensured advice was appropriate for events.
Cllr Mosdell reiterated the point about care homes and the flu vaccination, and requirements for social distancing.
The Director of Public Health stated workplaces were doing well and noted relaxation after work. It remained important to manage social distancing in those areas and messages were being reiterated frequently. This was not seen as a major issue on the Isle of Wight.
Cllr Hutchinson asked about hospital capacity and the Director of Public Health replied that hospital admissions were low on the Island, he added that flu vaccinations were very important this year and were a way of preventing an admission to hospital. All were asked to take advantage of the vaccination or to purchase one. the priority now was care homes and older people.
Good hand hygiene would also assist and prevent the spread.
The Board were advised School vaccinations had increased.
Cllr Stewart asked about the supply of flu vaccines. The Director of Public Health responded that GP’s would need to plan their flu clinics on the basis of the vaccination stocks they held. |
Communications update PDF 532 KB To receive an update from the Councils Communications and Campaigns Lead. Minutes: The Chief Executive presented the report and advised it contained the most recent information, at the point of publication. However, the Board would appreciate the current situation was subject to constant rapid change.
The Board noted activity was taken on a regular basis and the council communications worked in partnership with other council departments, such as regulatory services, as well as with partners including category one and wider multi agencies view in terms of managing Covid.
The Island media were incredibly engaged in this work in terms of messaging and this would be ongoing. There was a considerable amount of coverage from the media and there was more work that could be done including work on the self-isolation tool kit.
Support was being provided for some Business Online Sessions scheduled on 13 October 2020 and tickets were available through Eventbrite on the council website. There was also media on the council Facebook page and communications had been issued.
The Board were advised the testing communications could be ramped up if needed.
The Assistant Chief Executive advised work on the preventative messaging would continue and that undertaking the preventative steps would make a difference.
All were grateful for the hard work of the Director of Public Health and his colleagues in respect of the work around communications messaging.
The Board appreciated now more than ever it was important to continue the good work and the steps being taken to make sure the Island did not get into the same situation as on the mainland.
The 7 October had seen the release of a residents e-newsletter and residents were encouraged to sign up for this. In addition, Geotargeting work was in progress to get messages out to people swiftly and the #Keeptheisland safe microsite had been set up.
The Board were advised the test and trace app would be launched nationally on the 24 September 2020, although no further action was required form the council in this regard. COVID 19 data published on a weekly basis.
The council’s Learning and Development team had created a module on outbreak management process for staff and proactive staff messaging was ongoing.
It was highlighted the Local Outbreak Engagement Board was an opportunity to provide feedback from residents, and meetings would be monthly, the next being scheduled for 12 November 2020.
Cllr Hutchinson commented the media messages amounted to about 10 per cent of the work that was actually going on and advised he was only getting a few emails with queries, which led him to believe most of it was going well.
Cllr Peace questioned the level of uptake of the app on the Island. The Assistant Chief Executive advised they didn’t have that level of detail to hand and would take the issue back to the national team as a question.
Cllr Stewart summed up, with the importance to support each other, and we will get through this together. He thanked Isle of Wight Radio for his slot and advised the council ... view the full minutes text for item 5. |