Agenda and minutes

Extraordinary Meeting of Full Council - Wednesday, 20th July, 2022 6.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber, County Hall, Newport, Isle of WIght

Contact: Marie Bartlett  Email:


No. Item


Minutes pdf icon PDF 264 KB

To confirm as a true record the Minutes of the meeting held on 18 May 2022.




THAT the minutes of the meeting held on 18 May 2022 be confirmed.



Declarations of Interest

To invite Members to declare any interest they might have in the matters on the agenda.


Councillor Fuller declared an interest in minute number 9 as he was a Youth Court magistrate.


Councillor Jarman declared an interest in minute number 9 as he was Justice of the Peace.


Councillor Lilley declared an interest in minute number 9 as he was a trustee of the IW Youth Trust.



Public Question Time

Questions may be asked without notice but to guarantee a full reply at the meeting, a question must be put including the name and address of the questioner by delivery in writing or by electronic mail to Democratic Services at, no later than two clear working days before the start of the meeting. Normally Full Council is held on a Wednesday, therefore the deadline for written questions will be Friday, 15 July 2022.


Cameron Palin of East Cowes asked if there was an update on the Studio School site, The Cabinet Member for Childrens services, Education and Skills advised that they were currently looking at short and long term measures although there was a level of confidentiality regarding the negotiations.


Mr Matthews from Newport asked questions regarding road safety, in particular around the cutting of hedges around street signs and traffic lights, he also stated that the traffic lights were placed too high, the Cabinet Member for Infrastructure, Highways PFI and Transport advised that sometimes ownership of land with hedgerows caused a problem, and cuts to the PFI contract was also an issue.


Mr Matthews asked a supplementary question regarding the hedge cutting, advising that he had watched and the hedges had not been cut properly, the Cabinet Member advised that he would be happy to meet with Mr Matthews and discuss his concerns further.


Chairman's Official Announcements

To receive the Chairman’s official announcements.


The Chairman advised that she had attended various events on behalf of the Isle of Wight Council which included Platinum Jubilee events, the commonwealth games baton relay and the Armed Forces day. She also mentioned events such as the Isle of Wight Festival and County show which had encouraged people to visit the Island and socialise.


Leaders Update Report pdf icon PDF 198 KB

a)    To receive the Leader’s update report (5 minutes maximum).


b)    Members questions on the Leader’s update report (15 minutes maximum).


The Leader introduced her report, she thanked key workers for continuing to work during the recent heatwave and hoped everyone stayed safe. She had attended the staff awards ceremony and highlighted the dedication of staff to the authority, a short video of the awards would be circulated to Councillors later in the week.


A question was raised regarding the Island Forum which had been established by government, the Leader advised that this would be an important meeting and she would be putting the islands case forward to request more funding, travel costs were having a detrimental effect on residents across the Island.


The Leader was asked how she thought islanders would feel knowing that they were seeking to buy a one or two bed property against the Council who had millions to spend, the Leader advised that this matter had been brought up at Corporate Scrutiny meeting and that they would ensure it wouldn’t have an adverse effect on Isle of Wight residents.


A question was asked by the local councillor for the Branston Farm development regarding communication around local projects within their own wards, the Leader advised that the project was on time and that local councillors should be kept informed of progress.


The Leader was asked to raise the current housing crisis on the Island at the Island Forum meeting in September, this would assist in the individual case for the island, the Leader agreed it was a cause for concern and she would endeavour to raise it.


Report of the Monitoring Officer


Appointments to Outside Bodies pdf icon PDF 263 KB

Additional documents:


Councillor Churchman was nominated and duly seconded to be appointed to the ACCESS Pool Joint Committee, there were no other nominations to this.


Councillors Robertson, Quirk and Ward were nominated by the Conservatives and Councillors Peacey Wilcox, Andre and Stephens were nominated as the Alliance Group members to form the membership of the Joint Consultative Meeting.


A vote was taken en-bloc for the appointments to Outside Bodies, in accordance with the appendices attached to the report.



1.             That the council appointments as set out in the Appendix 1 to this report (as revised) be approved.


2.             That the appointments made or to be made by the Leader of the Cabinet in respect of executive appointments as listed in Appendix 2 to this report (as revised) be noted.


3.             That nominations for representatives for external organisations (who make the appointments) as contained in Appendix 3 to this report (as revised) be agreed in so far as those organisations are relevant to the exercise of council functions.


4.             That the Councillor Churchman be appointed to ACCESS Pool Joint Committee.


5.             That Councillors, Andre, Peacey Wilcox, Robertson, Stephens, Quirk and Ward be appointed to the Joint Consultative Meeting.



Report of the Leader


Report on the use of Special Urgency Provision 2021/2022 pdf icon PDF 304 KB


It was advised that this was an annual report and Councillors were asked to note the report.




That this consolidated report be noted.



To approve the following programme of ordinary council meetings for the ensuing year

21 September 2022

16 November 2022

18 January 2023

22 February 2023 (Budget)

17 May 2023 (Annual)


It was noted that there was a significant amount of time between the meeting in January until May as the meeting in February primarily was to decide the Budget, it was therefore proposed and duly seconded that a meeting was scheduled for the third week in March.


A vote was taken for the dates listed on the agenda, including the additional date in March




THAT the following dates be approved:


21 September 2022

16 November 2022

18 January 2023

22 February 2023 (Budget)

15 March 2023

17 May 2023 (Annual)


Island Youth Justice Plan pdf icon PDF 481 KB

Additional documents:


The Cabinet Member for Children’s Services, Education and Skills presented the report and recommendations which were duly seconded.


A vote was taken the result of which was as follows:




THAT the Youth Justice Plan 2022/23 be endorsed.


Report of the Monitoring Officer pdf icon PDF 315 KB

Alternative arrangements for political proportionality and appointments to committees


The Monitoring Officer advised he had received a number of nominations in advance of the meeting which were highlighted in the appendix. However there were several positions still requiring nomination.


Councillor Gary Peace was nominated and seconded for Vice Chairman of the Harbour Committee, Councillor Ian Ward was nominated for the vacancy on the Isle of Wight Pension Fund Committee which was duly seconded. There were no other nominations in regard to these positions. No nominations were received for the vacancy on Policy and Scrutiny Committee for Neighbourhoods and Regeneration.


A vote was taken the result of which was:




1.            THAT Cllr Andrew Garratt as an unaligned councillor be appointed to the vacancy on the Appeals Committee following Cllr Geoff Brodie’s wish not to serve on that Committee.


2.            That Cllr Julie Jones-Evans from the Alliance Group be confirmed as a substitute councillor on the Harbour Committee.


3.            That Councillor Gary Peace be confirmed as the Vice-Chairman of the Harbour Committee.


4.            That Councillor Ian Ward be confirmed as a member of the IW Pension Fund Committee.



Member Question Time of the Leader and Cabinet Member pdf icon PDF 91 KB

To receive a reply to a question asked during questions to the Leader or Cabinet Member, a question must be submitted in writing or by electronic mail to Democratic Services no later than 6pm on Thursday, 14 July 2022. A question may be asked as the meeting without prior notice but in these circumstances, there is no guarantee that a full reply will be given at the meeting.


Councillor Geoff Brodie submitted a written question in relation to delivery of affordable housing for Islanders. The Leader provided a written response (MQ 15/22).


Councillor Brodie asked a supplementary question, affordable housing was an important issue on the Island and he sensed reluctance to pursue avenues, the Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member responsible for housing needs advised that he had taken on board the comment and would work cross chamber.


Councillor Chris Jarman asked the Leader if she would accept a thankyou for the support provided by Islanders to help people from Ukraine, the Leader advised that she had written to the Deputy Minister of Social Policy of Ukraine for Digital Development, Digital Transformation and Digitization accepting his thanks.


Councillor Richard Quigley asked if a plan was in place to provide warm spaces for winter for residents who would be unable to afford to keep their homes warm, the Leader advised that she was working with teams to ensure there were spaces available.


Councillor Paul Brading asked if there was an update on the previous decision regarding the Pan Meadows development and the exchange of houses, the Leader advised she would provide a written response.


Councillor Brading asked a supplementary question regarding the set up of the housing company, he was advised by the Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Digital Transformation, Housing, Homelessness and Poverty that the housing company had been set up in name only.


Councillor Richard Quigley asked the Leader if she believed all councillors should be DBS checked when elected, the Leader agreed that this should happen, although there may be a budgetary impact, she committed to look into the issue.


Councillor Julie Jones-Evans asked for an update on the resilience of the Fire Services on the Island due to the heatwave earlier in the week, the Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Transformation, Housing, Homelessness and Poverty advised that conversations had been had and a continuity plan in place, fire services in London had been overstretched in recent days which was a national issue.


Councillor Steve Hendry asked for an update regarding the Crossways development in East Cowes, Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Transformation, Housing, Homelessness and Poverty would provide a written response.


Councillor Ian Ward asked for an update regarding the mediation for the floating bridge the Cabinet Member for Infrastructure, Highways PFI and Transport advised that an announcement would be made soon.


Councillor Andrew Garratt asked how close the council was to starting the consultation on the Local Council Tax Support Scheme, the Cabinet Member for Strategic Finance, Transformational Change and Corporate Resources advised that they were discussing the matter and would advise once specific dates were available.