Venue: Council Chamber, County Hall, Newport, Isle of WIght
Contact: Marie Bartlett Email:
No. | Item |
To confirm as a true record the Minutes of the meeting held on 20 March 2024. Minutes: RESOLVED:
THAT the minutes of the meeting held on 20 March 2024 be approved subject to the following addition:
Minute number 90 prior to the vote being taken insert:
The vote was completed after the expiration of three hours since the meeting began. |
Declarations of Interest To invite Members to declare any interest they might have in the matters on the agenda.
Please note that the Monitoring Officer on 8 April 2022 granted all councillors a dispensation under section 33 (2) of the Localism Act 2011 to remain in the meeting room and to speak and to vote on the draft development plan (including Cabinet recommendations to the Council) relating to town and country planning for the Isle of Wight, notwithstanding the existence of any disclosable pecuniary interest(s). For the avoidance of any doubt, this dispensation is intended to be wide covering any item of business relating to the formulation/preparation and approval of the new Island Strategy (development plan). Minutes: Council were advised that there were no pecuniary or personal interests to declare at this stage in relation to the agenda item for the Future Governance. |
Public Question Time Questions may be asked without notice but to guarantee a full reply at the meeting, a question must be put including the name and address of the questioner by delivery in writing or by electronic mail to Democratic Services, no later than two clear working days before the start of the meeting. Normally, Full Council is held on a Wednesday, therefore the deadline for written questions will be Friday, 26 April 2024. Minutes: Mr C Palin of East Cowes asked if further delays to the Draft Island Planning Strategy would give uncertainty to residents, the Cabinet Member for Planning, Coastal Protection and Flooding agreed.
Mr A Whittaker of Shanklin asked what was happening with the steps at Littlestairs, Shanklin as the emergency closure had now expired, he asked for an update, the Leader advised that he would look into the matter to find out if the closure needed to be extended, they would be opened when it was safe to do so.
Mr A Whittaker asked a supplementary question regarding the large amount of wood being washed up on beaches in the Bay area, the Leader advised that the matter was in hand.
Matthew asked what the Local Authority was doing to support staff on long term sick leave he was advised that a written response would be provided.
Ms E Brothers of Sandown asked what the Isle of Wight Council’s position was to the proposed closure of Wootton Medical Centre, the Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care and Public Health advised that a written response would be provided.
Report of the Chief Executive |
Future Governance Report PDF 269 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: The Chairman of the Future Governance Working Group advised that he had submitted a motion which had been circulated. He advised Council that assurance had been provided to the group that a start date of May 2024 was achievable, it was noted that once the decision was made it could not be revoked for five years.
He moved his motion attached as Appendix 1 (and forming part of these minutes) which was duly seconded.
Councillor C Jarman proposed an amendment attached as Appendix 2 (and forming part of these minutes) which was duly seconded.
Council debated the proposed amendment. There was some concern regarding splitting the role of Leader and Chairman of the Policy, Resources and Finance Committee, however some felt that this would allow for the right person to be nominated for each role.
A vote was taken and the result of which was:
THAT the amendment was carried.
Councillor J Bacon proposed an amendment attached as Appendix 3 (and forming part of these minutes) which was duly seconded.
Questions were raised regarding the speed at which the change of governance system implementation was being proposed and questions were still being raised regarding the new structure. Concern was also raised regarding the risks of implementing too quickly, staff needed time to understand the new system in time for delivery.
There was concern that following the local elections in 2025 newly elected Councillors would have a lot to learn and that they would normally have the guidance of experienced Councillors, this would be more difficult if the decision was to implement in 2025 and not 2024.
There was also concern regarding the number of proposed committees in the preferred model. It was suggested that if additional meetings were required the chairman of the committee could request additional meetings to be scheduled.
A vote was taken and the result of which was:
THAT the amendment was carried.
A vote was then taken on the substantive motion the result of which was:
Council hereby formally resolves: THAT, having carefully considered and evaluated the governance options in the report and having considered and accepted the risks associated with a change in governance arrangements outlined in the risks section of the report and at Appendix 4 thereto, under section 9KC (1) of the Local Government Act 2000 and under all other powers, the local authority’s governance arrangements be changed to operate the committee system of local governance under Part 1A of that Act, with the “relevant change time” under section 9L (4) of that Act being during the meeting of the Annual Council due to take place in May 2025at the time immediately after the revised constitution has been agreed and adopted.
And the Council further resolves:
(a) That the frequency of formal meetings in the table at paragraph 90 to the report (scenario 5 in Appendix 3, of the report) be agreed and adopted.
(b) It agrees and adopts the Committee system Framework at Appendix 1 (to the report) ... view the full minutes text for item 4a |
Report of Cabinet Member for Planning, Coastal Protection and Flooding |
Island Planning Strategy PDF 272 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: Councillor P Spink raised a point of order questioning the validity of the meeting with the Council’s Constitution, the Senior Governance Advisor explained that there was no breach of the Constitution to have two items listed on the agenda.
The meeting proceeded.
The Cabinet Member for Planning, Coastal Protection and Flooding advised that Cabinet had reconsidered the Strategy since the meeting of Full Council in March 2024. He informed Council this was not the end of the process and further comments could be made to the inspectorate.
The recommendations were proposed and duly seconded.
Concern was raised regarding the length of time the plan had taken to get to this stage. It was noted that housing was needed on the Island and by delaying further this could increase housing problems on the Island.
A vote was taken the result of which was:
(i) THAT the recommendation from the Cabinet following its decision at its meeting on 18 April 2024 and to agree to publish the draft Island Planning Strategy, subject to the changes set out in Appendix 1 (to the report), for the regulation 19 period of representation to start as soon as practicably possible and following the end of the period of representation to submit the required information to the Planning Inspectorate be approved. and
(ii) THAT any final editorial and presentational changes to the Island Planning Strategy prior to publication and submission, be delegated to the Director of Communities in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Planning, Coastal Protection and Flooding, so long as they do not materially alter the intention of the version agreed by Full Council.
Member Question Time of the Leader and Cabinet Member To receive a reply to a question asked during questions to the Leader or Cabinet Member, a question must be submitted in writing or by electronic mail to Democratic Services no later than 6pm on Thursday, 25 April 2024. A question may be asked at the meeting without prior notice but in these circumstances, there is no guarantee that a full reply will be given at the meeting. Minutes: Councillor R Quigley asked the Leader if a scheme for businesses impacted by recent flooding could be investigated, the Leader advised that the response to recent flooding had been put in place and the team had worked hard to provide support.
Councillor M Price requested a review of the Vittlefields Cross at Forest Road following another recent accident at the cross roads and questioned the number of road closures in place particularly around Newport. The Leader (with responsibility Transport and Infrastructure, Highways PFI and Transport Strategy, Strategic Oversight and External Partnerships) assured Council that he would revisit the cross roads scheme to see what could be done. He added that he was frustrated with the number of road works being undertaken, however there was a scheme of scheduled works in place, however utility companies were able to submit road work plans to Island Roads, emergency road works were agreed when they came in.
Councillor C Jarman asked why community funded advice had been excluded from inclusion in the report covering the Island Planning Strategy, the Leader advised that he would provide a written response.
Councillor E Blake raised concerns regarding businesses in Ventnor, the lack of information on timeframes was causing frustration in the town, he asked if emergency funding would be available. The Leader (with responsibility Transport and Infrastructure, Highways PFI and Transport Strategy, Strategic Oversight and External Partnerships) advised that work was ongoing regarding the landslip in Ventnor, however it was not a quick fix and communication was being put out for residents. Monitoring equipment was in place and once the data had been collected they could give more information. The Cabinet Member for Planning, Coastal Protection and Flooding advised that he would be available to speak with Councillor Blake outside of the meeting.
Councillor P Spink asked the Leader what highway plans were in place to accommodate the 453 new homes to be built each year if the Draft Island Planning Strategy was passed by the Inspector, that number increasing to 750 if not approved. The Leader shared Councillor Spink’s concerns.