Venue: Council Chamber, County Hall, Newport, Isle of WIght
Contact: Marie Bartlett Email:
No. | Item | ||
To confirm as a true record the Minutes of the meeting held on 20 July 2022. Minutes: RESOLVED:
THAT the minutes of the extraordinary meeting of Full Council held on 20 July 2022 be approved.
Declarations of Interest To invite Members to declare any interest they might have in the matters on the agenda.
Please note that the Monitoring Officer on 8 April 2022 granted all councillors a four year dispensation under section 33 (2) of the Localism Act 2011 to remain in the meeting room and to speak and vote on the draft development plan (including Cabinet recommendations to the Council) relating to town and country planning for the Isle of Wight, notwithstanding the existence of any disclosable pecuniary interest(s). For the avoidance of any doubt, this dispensation is intended to be wide covering any item of business relating to the formulation/preparation and approval of the new Island Strategy (development Plan). Minutes: Councillor J Jones-Evans declared an interest in the cost-of-living motion as she was an employer on the Island.
It was noted that the Monitoring Officer had produced a dispensation to Councillors in April 2022 to allow them to take part and vote on the draft Island Planning Strategy.
Public Question Time PDF 113 KB Questions may be asked without notice but to guarantee a full reply at the meeting, a question must be put including the name and address of the questioner by delivery in writing or by electronic mail to Democratic Services at, no later than two clear working days before the start of the meeting. Normally, Full Council is held on a Wednesday, therefore the deadline for written questions will be Friday, 30 September 2022. Additional documents:
Minutes: A number of questions in relation to the Draft Island Planning Strategy had been received as follows: Mr MacLeod (PQ 35/22), Mr Hicklin (PQ 36/22) Ms Farrand (PQ 37/22) Ms Fosbury (PQ 38/22) Mr Jenkins (PQ 39/22) and Ms Becker (PQ 40/22) Mr MacLeod asked a supplementary question: why can we not use the real data as a robust evidence base for the Strategy, the Cabinet Member advised that if there was the potential to use the data then it would have been used.
An oral question was asked by Mr Palin requested assurance that proposed Draft Island Plan would protect green spaces and listed historic buildings, helping to provide the Islands characteristics The Cabinet Member for Environment and Heritage advised that 19 policies were included in the draft Island Planning Strategy. Mr Palin asked a supplementary question regarding the inclusion of Town and Parish Councils views were given greater consideration when dealing with planning matters, the Cabinet member for Planning and Enforcement advised that this was a important particularly regarding neighbourhood plans.
Mr Sharples asked why there was no provision that later more accurate figures should be used when drafting the Island planning strategy, he was advised that the 2014 figures were projected and those that needed to be used when calculating housing figures.
Mr Cave asked how many rental properties in the £495-£600 per month rental market would be built per annum under the Draft Island Planning Strategy, the Cabinet Member for Planning and Enforcement advised that the proposed plan included an Island affordable policy, he advised that he would provide a figure in writing.
A supplementary question was asked if the Draft Island Planning Strategy would guarantee to prioritise houses to those on the housing register and how quickly that list would reduce. The Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Digital Transformation, Housing and Homelessness and Poverty advised that a housing manager had been appointed and was working alongside rental providers on the Island.
Mr Townsend asked for a view and response as to whether the response given by the Strategic Manager for Planning when asked if reports should be balanced was appropriate, the Cabinet Member for Planning and Enforcement advised he would provide a written response. |
Chairman's Official Announcements To receive the Chairman’s official announcements. Minutes: The Chairman advised that her announcements was going to be about the Tour of Britain and other events that had been cancelled or postponed following the death of her majesty Queen Elizabeth II. The Sway garden party raised £533 and another Sway event would take place at the weekend. |
Condolences and Proclamation For Councillors to express condolences arising from the death of Her late Majesty and mark the proclamation of King Charles III. Minutes: The Chairman led with condolences of the death of the late majesty and welcomed King Charles III, Councillors expressed their sympathy and requested a minute’s silence to mark the death of the Queen. |
Leaders Update Report (20 minutes) PDF 182 KB a) To receive the Leader’s update report (5 minutes maximum).
b) Members questions on the Leader’s update report (15 minutes maximum). Minutes: The Leader introduced her report, she advised that she had attended the Islands Forum with the Chief Executive in Orkney which was very well attended.
A question was raised regarding the visibility study around County Hall and asked why public money would be spent upgrading the heating system, the Leader advised that she had been informed that the money used to update the heating was paid for by grant money, the Deputy Leader advised that previously a large amount of money was spent in removing the walls within the building, he was aware the grant money was being used for the heating project.
The Leader was asked to provide an update on the Islands Forum meeting in Orkney, she advised that there were many islands in a similar situation as the Isle of Wight however they had more connectivity issues, the meeting was very well organised and structured to fill all the time available to them. Some connections had been made and follow up emails would be sent.
A question was asked regarding the housing at Branston and when they could expect services to go in so that people can move into their homes, the Leader informed Council that she had received confirmation that people would be moving in at the end of the month. |
Report of the Monitoring Officer |
Nominations and Appointments to Committees and Outside Bodies PDF 378 KB Minutes: Councillor Andre was nominated and duly seconded to be appointed to Planning Committee, there were no other nominations.
Nominations had been received from the Isle of Wight Association of Local Councils (IWALC) for appointments to the Appeals Committee and Health and Wellbeing Board.
It was noted that further information had been requested prior to making nominations to the Armed Forces Day Organisation Committee.
1. That Cllr Mick Lyons (with Cllr Patricia Redpath as substitute) be appointed to serve as the non-voting co-opted member of the Appeals Committee.
2. The nomination for the Council’s representative on the Armed Forces Day organising Committee be deferred to allow for further information to be provided.
3. That the appointment to the Audit Committee be deferred
5. That Councillor Debbie Andre be appointed to serve on the Planning Committee to fill the vacancy arising from Cllr Michael Lilley’s resignation from the Planning Committee.
Island Planning Strategy PDF 1 MB To consider and agree to publish the draft Island Planning Strategy for the regulation 19 period for representation at the earliest practical opportunity and following the end of the period for representation, submit the required information to the Planning Inspectorate. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Cabinet Member for Planning and Enforcement presented the report and Draft Island Planning Strategy following the recommendation from Cabinet on 8 September 2022 which were duly seconded.
In accordance with the Council’s Constitution Part 4B section 10 (Voting), four Councillors present at the meeting requested a named vote to be taken, the result of which was as follows:
For (16) Cllrs D Andre, J Bacon, C Critchison, I Dore, R Downer, P Fuller, J Jones-Evans, P Jordan, J Lever, M Lilley, K Love, K Lucioni, L Peacey Wilcox, I Stephens, D Pitcher, R Quigley
Against (18) Cllrs M Beston, G Brodie, P Brading, V Churchman, A Garratt, C Jarman, S Hendry, J Medland, C Mosdell, J Nicholson, M Oliver, G Peace, M Price, C Quirk, R Redrup, J Robertson, P Spink, I Ward
The motion fell.
In accordance with the Council’s Constitution Part 4B section 7 (Motions without Notice) Councillor Jarman moved the following motion which was duly seconded:
That, having considered the present Draft Island Planning Strategy, the Leader of the Cabinet be informed that Full Council objects to Cabinet’s submitted recommendations (as per Cabinet decision of 08 September 2022). The objections are as follows:
1) The annual housing number is based on 2014 estimates of the Isle of Wight population and not on actual Isle of Wight population data published by the ONS from the 2021 Census and their resulting demographic projections.
Full Council objects to the use of outdated data and requires:
- the annual housing need to be recalculated using the Isle of Wight population data from the ONS 2021 Census and their resulting demographic projections,
- the above recalculated figures to replace the current figures in the Draft Island Planning Strategy with particular emphasis on the need for housing which is affordable by Islanders to rent, including those on the housing register, with priority of allocation being given to
- completing on extant planning permissions, - renovating unoccupied properties, - delivering brownfield sites and, - removing greenfield allocations
2) Full Council instructs the Leader of the Cabinet to require the Cabinet to reconsider, in the light of the above specified objections, the Draft Island Planning Strategy submitted to the Full Council, and that the specified period for such reconsideration is sixty working days (beginning on the day after the date on which the Leader of the Cabinet receives these instructions on behalf of the Cabinet) within which the Cabinet Leader may (a) submit a revision of the Draft Island Planning Strategy as amended by the Cabinet (the revised “Draft Island Planning Strategy”), with the Cabinet’s reasons for any amendments made to the Draft Island Planning Strategy, to the Full Council for the Full Council’s consideration; or (b) inform the Full Council of any disagreement that the Cabinet has with any of the Full Council’s objections and the Cabinet’s reasons for any such disagreement.
Due to time constraints this item was not considered.
Motions Submitted under part 4A, Procedure Rule 9 of the Council's Constitution |
By Councillor Quigley Cost of living emergency As a council, we recognise that our residents face a cost of living emergency. It is expected that 54% of households will be in food and/ or energy stress by this winter. The council notes That that the cost of living emergency is a key issue for us as a local authority. We need to provide access to the appropriate advice and support and support partners in the community to deliver help. The council resolves to Ensure we continue to take a co-ordinated approach to addressing the emergency, working with community partners and providing resources where possible Set up a dedicated officer working group to address the issues Call on national government to ensure a right to food is written into law Free up finance to target help through community groups Ensure all council decisions do not disproportionately impact residents who are struggling the most, by considering the socio economic impact in our assessments of actions we need to take. Champion a real living wage for all workers on the Island. Make it easier for local groups to access any funding available. We commit as 39 Cllrs to work together on the cost of living emergency for the benefit of the Island and our residents.
Minutes: Due to time constraints this item was not considered |
By Councillor Jarman That, having considered the present Draft Island Planning Strategy, the Leader of the Cabinet be informed that Full Council objects to Cabinet’s submitted recommendations (as per Cabinet decision of 08 September 2022). The objections are as follows:
1) The annual housing number is based on 2014 estimates of the Isle of Wight population and not on actual Isle of Wight population data published by the ONS from the 2021 Census and their resulting demographic projections.
Full Council objects to the use of outdated data and requires:
- the annual housing need to be recalculated using the Isle of Wight population data from the ONS 2021 Census and their resulting demographic projections,
- the above recalculated figures to replace the current figures in the Draft Island Planning Strategy with particular emphasis on the need for housing which is affordable by Islanders to rent, including those on the housing register, with priority of allocation being given to
- completing on extant planning permissions, - renovating unoccupied properties, - delivering brownfield sites and, - removing greenfield allocations
2) Full Council instructs the Leader of the Cabinet to require the Cabinet to reconsider, in the light of the above specified objections, the Draft Island Planning Strategy submitted to the Full Council, and that the specified period for such reconsideration is sixty working days (beginning on the day after the date on which the Leader of the Cabinet receives these instructions on behalf of the Cabinet) within which the Cabinet Leader may (a) submit a revision of the Draft Island Planning Strategy as amended by the Cabinet (the revised “Draft Island Planning Strategy”), with the Cabinet’s reasons for any amendments made to the Draft Island Planning Strategy, to the Full Council for the Full Council’s consideration; or (b) inform the Full Council of any disagreement that the Cabinet has with any of the Full Council’s objections and the Cabinet’s reasons for any such disagreement.
Minutes: Due to time constraints this item was not considered |
By Councillor Lilley Isle of Wight Council resolves to declare a Cost-of-Living emergency in acknowledgement of rise inflation and energy prices through the United Kingdom and the rise in poverty of Isle of Wight residents due to the crisis.
Isle of Wight Council resolves to put in place a clear package of support and help for Isle of Wight residents within its power in collaboration with all stakeholders including Town, Community, and Parish Councils and Voluntary sector at grass-root level.
Minutes: Due to time constraints this item was not considered |
Member Questions to the Leader and to any other Cabinet Member (30 minutes) To receive a reply to a question asked during Members’ Question Time to the Leader or Cabinet Member, a question must be submitted in writing or by electronic mail to Democratic Services no later than 5pm on Thursday, 29 September 2022. A question may be asked at the meeting without prior notice but in these circumstances there is no guarantee that a full reply will be given at the meeting. Minutes: Due to time constraints this item was not considered |