Venue: Virtual (MS Teams)
Contact: Megan Tuckwell Email:
No. | Item |
To confirm the Minutes of the meeting held on 21 July 2021 and to consider any matters arising from those minutes.
Declarations of Interest To invite Members to declare any interest they might have in the matters on the agenda. |
Minutes of Pension Fund Committee meetings PDF 224 KB To receive a copy of the minutes of the meeting of the Pension Fund Committee held on 28 July 2021, and to note decisions made therein. |
Pension Board Annual Report 2020-21 PDF 181 KB To confirm the final version of the Local Pension Board annual report for the year ended 31 March 2021, and to recommend it to the Pension Fund Committee. |
Isle of Wight Pension Fund Annual Report and Accounts 2020-21 |
To consider the annual report and accounts for the year ended 31 March 2021, to confirm it’s completeness against the CIPFA annual report checklist, and to confirm compliance to the Pension Fund Committee at it’s meeting on 24 November 2021. Additional documents: |
External Audit To note the progress of the external audit of the pension fund accounts and to receive a verbal update on the external auditor’s draft report and opinion. |
Board Member and Independent Chairperson Role Profiles PDF 170 KB To confirm the presentation of the role profiles to the Pension Fund Committee at its meeting on 24 November 2021, for adoption and to start the recruitment process. Additional documents:
Risk Register To consider the draft risk register for the pension fund and recommend it for further discussion at the development session to be held on 6 October 2021, and for onward presentation to the Pension Fund Committee at its meeting on 24 November 2021. |
Knowledge and Understanding |
Board Development Log PDF 105 KB To consider the record of board members’ training maintained by the Technical Finance Manager, and to nominate a board member to undertake future maintenance. |
To consider adoption of the development record format proposed by a board member. |
LGA and Legislation Update To note that, due to other work pressures and annual leave in August, the July and August bulletins from LGA in respect of the most recent developments in the LGPS have not been circulated. A verbal update on key issues will be provided at the board meeting. |
Report from the Pensions Administration Team PDF 261 KB To consider a report on administration statistics and employer compliance with end of month reporting and payment deadlines for the year 2020-21 to date, and to be advised on any complaints recorded and potential breaches of the law identified since the last meeting. Additional documents:
To discuss the work programme for forthcoming meetings of the Isle of Wight Pension Fund Committee and Pension Board. |
Items circulated for Members Attention To note items circulated to board members since the last meeting, for information: a) Sent 23-Jul-2021: Baillie Gifford presentation for committee meeting on 28 July. b) Sent 23-Jul-2021: invitation to LGA Governance Conference, Bournemouth January 2022. c) Sent 23-Jul-2021: invitation to Barnett Waddingham/CIPFA board seminars Autumn 2021. d) Sent 26-Jul-2021: invitation to Hymans Robertson Keeping the LGPS connected webinar 4 August 2021. e) Sent 29-Jul-2021: PLSA conference slides – investment duties, decision making and ESG. f) Sent 30-Jul-2021: invitation to internal development session (triennial valuation) 12 January 2022. g) Sent 04-Aug-2021: invitation to internal development session (ACCESS: pooling) 10 November 2021. h) Sent 04-Aug-2021: arrangements for informal meeting with Technical Finance Manager. i) Sent 04-Aug-2021: Draft agenda for 22 September 2021 Local Pension Board meeting for agreement. j) Sent 09-Aug-2021: invitation to informal meeting with Technical Finance Manager on 8 September 2021. k) Sent 11-Aug-2021: calendar invitations to future scheduled board meetings (22 September 2021, l) Sent 24-Aug-2021: request for users for Hymans’ LGPS Online Learning Academy. m) Sent 06-Sep-2021: slides for pension fund development session 7 September 2021. n) Sent 07-Sep-2021: recording of development session “Governance decisions” o) Sent 08-Sep-2021: cancellation of informal meeting with Technical Finance Manager. |
Other matters for the Board’s attention Members to raise any other matters. |